I love working hard, doing chores, being quiet, reading long books, doing homework, running errands, being still, standardized testing, following directions, staying a couple chapters ahead in all of my classes at my high school. I enjoy going to bed as early as possible so I will be ready mentally for school the next day. I like summer school, because without it i would go crazy not having a learning institution to attend during the dreaded summer. School=Heaven.
Some incredably cool kids that enjoy the finer things in life, such as playing a little hop-scotch, maybe some skip-it, or some red rover, and then again maybe just sitting back watch some humorous films on the picture box while eating some popcorn and drinking some cola. I want friends with amusing anecdotes. Friends that enjoy a good chuckle. Those are the friends I want. sn=simistoprunner
I love rap because it's just happens to be the favorite music selection of the black community, a community I am happy to say that I'm now a part of. We love rap because it talks about hard life is for us in the ghetto, dawg. Me and my homies also like hip-hop because it sounds like rap but the lyrics are happy, not something felt in the projects, but we love it for it's amazing dance beats, G.......
Without a doubt i loved barber shop 1 and 2 homie g. both r just so darn funny nigga, i just love their antics, and i love the cast. and i loved swept away cause there can be no better movie than one where madonna gets the crap kicked out of her!!!!......