About Me
There's more to life than known. I'm content with it though, my family and friends are amazing. But, i find it very hard to find trust in anyone now days, i trust three people. I know what i want in life, but i'm not sure when i want it. I live life day by day, and i let time take it's time. It's the simple things in life please me the most like; Holding hands, butterfiles, springtime, long walks and long talks, corney pick up lines, deep secerets and jokes. being with friends, playing games, and acting immature at times. I'm also Vegetarian, but not cause it's "cool" but, because i feel that it's wrong to eat animals, i won't go on and preech about it so ask and i'll explain to you kay thanks:].
I'm edge , rude, inconsiderate, blunt
judgemental, caring, vainity, jealousy perfect .
i don't like being put down, and i have a huge fear of
loosing loved ones.
I also loved to be flattered, i can't help it.
Don't try to change me, i won't change for anyone, fuckthatshit.
John Russell Rousseau
i want you back, more than ever.