Michael profile picture


...And everyone's caught on to everything you do (And I can't let you, let me down again.)

About Me

My names mike,I'm in 10th grade at clarence highschool, I do a lot of stupid things,I dont care what you think of me,I get in trouble a lot,people spread lots of rumors about me you shouldnt belive most of them,I like to work out a lot and I play football for school my screename is wigger189
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You Have A Type B+ Personality
B+ You're a pro at going with the flow You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer A total joy to be around, people crave your stability.While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity. Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done You're passionate - just selective about your passions Do You Have a Type A Personality?
.. You scored as Jock. You are the ruler of the school, so to say. You have girls swooning over your muscles and your skilled in most areas of the sports arena. You know how to play a mean game of basketball.











Emo Kid









What Highschool Clique Do You Belong To?
created with QuizFarm.com

My Interests

Well pretty much just girls, football, food and music

I'd like to meet:

cupid so i could beat his ass because he seems to have horrible aim now adays
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100 Facts About Me
Full Name: Michael Thomas Lelonek
Nicknames: Mikey,Muscles,Sunshine
Weight: 150
Height: lik 5'8'
Hair Color: brown
Siblings: two of the fuckers
Do you like to sing in the shower: yup
Do you like to sing on the toilet: uhm sure
Birth date: august 9th
Favorite color: greenand purple
City: clarence
State: ny
Sex: yes please
Righty or lefty: righty
What do u want in a relationship: commitment,true love i guess
Have you ever cheated: no
Do you have ur license: unfortunately no
Do you have a car: soon
Movies: goodones
TV Shows: degrassi,one tree hill family guy
Actor: Samuel L Jackson
Actress: Jessica Alba
Food: beef jerky
Number: idk
Cartoon: family guy
Disney Character: idk
Do you want to get married: ya someday
How old do you want to be when you have ur 1st child: idk like my late 20ies
How old do you want to be when you get married: idk
Would you have kids before you get married: ya
Do you have a bf/gf: no
Do you have a crush: no
~*~*My Preference*~*~
Music/TV: music
Green/Blue: green
Pink/Purple: purple
Fall/Spring: fall
Summer/Winter: summer
Night/Day: night
Hangin Out/Chillen: chillen
Dopey/Funny: funny
~*~*All About You*~*~
Weird saying: idc
Favorite Saying: check out this motha fucker
School you go to: clarence high skool
Have you ever taken drugs: yup
Whats a major turn on for you: 2 many 2 list lol
How far would you go on a first date: all the way
~*~*The Person You Know Who Is...*~*~
Most Blonde: my cuzin
Funniest: there all pretty funny
Best Person: brian
Nicest: nageeeeeeelllllllllll lol
Which people are you open with and trust the most: alot of ppl lol
What do you think of soul mates: i havent found mine yet
What was the last thing you cried or got teary eyed about: well...
Strangest: frankie
Are you happy: basicailly
What's an object you can't live without: my phone
Love or lust: love
Silver or gold: gold
Diamond or pearl: diamond
Sunset or sunrise: both
Have you ever gone skinny dipping: lol ya
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: mayb
Do you have any piercings: no but im thinking of gettin my nipples piercded lol
What color underwear are you wearing right now: black
What song are u listening to right now: hands down
What are the last digits of your phone number: 0404
Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: hawaii
What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex: tNa
Favorite sport: football
What makes you happy: happy things
What's the next cd your going to get: ipod
Do you wear glasses or contacts: both
What's the best advice ever given to you: dont stop dreamin
Have you won any special awards: no i suck at life
What are your future goals: idk
Worst sickness: acholol poisoning
Do you like funny or scary movies better: shit thats hard funny i like 2 luagh
On the phone or in person: in person
Hugs or kisses: kisses
What song seems to reflect you the most: idk
If you died tomorrow who would you leave your stuff to: my friends
Do you have any enemies: no every1 luvs me lol
What is your greatest fear: idk like spiders and i guess heights
Would you rather be rich or famous: rich beeotch
What time is it in Albania right now: wtf
If you had only 24 hrs left to live, who would you spend them with: my friends and family
Have you met Santa: i killed him
If e.t knocked on your door holding a peace sign asking to use your phone, what would you do: kick his ass out lol
When was the last time you talked to the person you liked: i dont like nobody right now
Do you have any pets: no
Last time you were depressed: like i am now,not lol
Are you an alcoholic: hell ya im the biggest 1 i no
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: shit bacardi or smirnoft
How far have you gone with a guy/girl: made out
Favorite day of the week: saturday
Mood right now: tired
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What do u think of the person you found this from: .........
Do you want your friends to write back: ................
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Take This Survey - or - Meet friends at ChillAxen.comAnything as long as its not emo or country


Old School,American Pie,40 year old Virgin,Wedding Crashers,Black Hawk Down,Star Wars,The Longest Yard,Fiday Night Lights,Remember the Titans,Armageton,King Kong,Scary Movie,and like 100 moreZ


Degrassi,Family Guy,American Dad,Lost,LasVegas,One Tree Hill,Smallville,Invasion,CSI:Miami,South Park,Fresh Prince,Instant Star,The Daily Show,SNL,Mad TV,MTV,Fuse,Comedy Central