Spending time with my daughter, sushi, movies, my iPod, Trader Joe's, dancing, partying, Ron Burgandy, the outdoors, relaxing, cuddling, beaches, everything that is funny, traveling, sun bathing, starbucks, sight-seeing, reminiscing with old friends, poetry, music, having a good glass of wine, writing, shopping, kids, warm weather, going out to eat, jamba juice, being around loved ones, romantic evenings, & reading, just to name a few...
You Are Corona
You don't drink for the love of beer. You drink to get drunk.
You prefer a very light, very smooth beer. A beer that's hardly a beer at all.
And while you make not like the taste of beer, you like the feeling of being drunk.
You drink early and often. Sometimes with friends. Sometimes alone. All the party needs is you!
What's Your Beer Personality?
Anything that makes me wanna dance, sing, cry, laugh, think, rock out, groove, or chill...
Love comedies, 80's, romance, drama, action, scary. My all time favorites are Anchor Man, Dodge Ball and Napoleon Dynamite, and Billy Madison. I also like 80's comedies like Wierd Science, Pretty in Pink and 16 Candles. I like watching scary/suspenseful movies... not so much the blood & guts but the creepy give-you-chills movies, like the Grudge.
Not real big on TV. More of a movie person. But I do like to watch the news in the morning. And I like House MD. I heard there are a lot of good shows but I don't have time to get hooked on a mini-series.
Narrative of Fredrick Douglass, Night by Aaron Wetzel, Home is Where the Heart Is, Sleeping With the Enemy, currently reading Body For Life.
1. The Lord 2. All of our historical leaders 3. Single parents... it's the biggest challenge in the world 4. My parents and my grandparents 5. Anyone who quits smoking 6. Anyone who does anything in any way to make our world a little better.