What about me? What about you?
I live somewhere in the cold midwest where the winters are long and eerie. I promote Vampire events in New Orleans and if you met me there, you know what I do and if you are lucky enough to be my friend, you know how seriously I take said friendship. Most of my real friends I've either had for a long time or I have met them on my travels. I have a daughter and a husband, a big black dog and a little foofy dog just so things don't get so serious. I am a professional make-up artist who loves costuming and parties and all things of a grand nature. I read, travel, throw parties, go to bars, eat at good restaurants and watch TV. As a double Leo my social calendar is usually pretty full even if it is only in my head.
I frequently delve in to the metaphysical realm and am an active Strigoi Vii (look it up) who always seeks out the deeper mysteries. If you want to know, go look. There is only so much you can learn from books. I'm not into hippy dippy, fluffy pagan practices nor do I walk the path on the Left but everyone is entitled to believe what they like and I could really care less. I am me and I believe what I want to believe and those who know me know the wisdom in that. I've been down the rabbit hole and I know where it goes and I know where I safely hover. Any thing else about me has to be learned over time with patience and respect.