music, hearing it, creating it and playing it. the guitar is arguably the greatest invention since fire was found. traveling, love to get out of town as much as possible. Getting so plowed to the point where i cant walk and all i do is clear my throat over and over. Waking up in front of grandma's house in my car, wondering how i got there. headbanging so hard that spectators look on with horror. putting a cockroach in my burger so i can eat for free. Making french people realize france sux....
whiney packer fans. democrats. narcissists. ugly girls. vegetarians. knitters. arts and crafts masters. sensitive friends who i can share my emotions and talk about my feelings with... id like to meet em all...but, im pretty sure they wouldnt like to meet me
metallica.mudvayne, zeppelin, sabbath, rush, live, disturbed, stevie ray, jimi, gnr, hellyah
hello nation.
left behind series . . the inferno . . the bible . . everything else sux
military servicemen. (my brother)