Talking shit about a pretty sunset. Boys who give a damn. Glamour and grammar. Beauty and the beat.As one puts a handkerchief before pent-in-breath- no: as one presses it against a wound out of which the whole of life, in a single gush, wants to stream, I held you to me: I saw you turn red from me. How could anyone express what took place between us? We made up for everything there was never time for. I matured strangely in every impulse of unperformed youth, and you, love, had wildest childhood over my heart.
People that care. Passionate, interesting people. Anyone who isn't selfish. Anyone who doesn't pretend to be more deep and tortured than they are. Eccentricity is not a substitution for personality. Just because no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist. Everyone is starting to look the same online. If you think you're too good for me, you're automatically not good enough.
I've come to realize that with every new person that writes "Music Is My LIFE", the ability to have a taste in music is becoming completely irrelevant to me. (It's an everchanging thing, not an endless list of alphabetized band names.)Bob Dylan, and lots of Led Zeppelin lately. Form your OWN soundtrack. Go way from my window, Leave at your own chosen speed. Im not the one you want, babe, Im not the one you need. You say you're lookin for someone Never weak but always strong, To protect you and defend you Whether you are right or wrong, Someone to open each and every door, But it aint me, babe, No, no, no, it aint me, babe, It aint me youre lookin for, babe.
R. Kelly's Trapped in the Closet.
That 70's Show, Extras, Weeds, Reno 911, Greg the Bunny, Mr. Show, Clone High, Rocko's Modern Life, The Office, Scrubs.
The Things They Carried, The Golden Notebook, Vogue, warning labels, liner notes, and drink menus.
Nobody's a hero. People who get by on their good looks. ()