Necropolis profile picture


About Me

Band Name : Necropolis
Why was the name given? : " A necropolis (plural: necropolises or necropoleis) is a large cemetery or burying-place, literally a "city of the dead". Apart from the occasional application of the word to modern cemeteries outside large towns, the term is chiefly used of burial grounds near the sites of the centers of ancient civilizations. " - Wikipedia
Genre : Black/Death Metal
Date of Formation : 6 th June 2005
Band History : Necropolis was formed somewhere around June 2005. I (Alonso) had a plan to form a death metal band. I was looking for a guitarist as everyone seemed to take it less seriously. Anyways I met Dipon ... back then he was the lead guitarist of Dripping Gore. When we heard Anjan of Dripping Gore is leaving Bangladesh to study in Australia and the band was going to be on Hold, Dipon was pretty desperate to form a band. And so we came up with this Black Metal idea. He wanted to form a black metal band. Our first goal was to cover some Tvangeste (Russian Symphonic Black Metal) numbers.

As always its pretty hard to find a decent extreme metal drummer. Thus we were looking for drummers. So I called Piare (friend of mine) and told him if he is interested in this project. We began to jam. Couple of months later we were looking for a bassist. We went to Saadi ( Kral ), a very resourceful person to find musicians, thru him we met Arefin. We began to jam and on his first audition we were impressed. on 18th May,2006 Shanil (Voodoo Economics) joined Necropolis as a guitarist. Necropolis was looking for a guitarist for past couple of months. now we will hit the stage will full throttle.

This is how Necropolis was formed.

Songs covered live so far:

    Dark Funeral - Dead Skin Mask (slayer cover) Hate - Anti-God Extremity Immortal - Damned in Black Vader - Wings

Discography : We have 3 demo ready. one is uploaded here. We indeed recorded this "The War Within" song to release it under a VA album. BUT that didnt work out. our first two demo were recorded for a split album with 3 other local extreme metal bands. BUT THAT DIDNT WORK OUT EITHR. So now we are "DESPERATE" to release these 3 songs. anyway possible under any local VA album. Then these 3 demos will be sent out to various webzines, record labels for band promotion.

We will upload the other two demo which was recorded and reserved for a split album. as soon as we get a reasonal offer from VA album producers.

Contact Info :
Email Add : Alonso - [email protected]
Dipon - [email protected]
Phone : Alonso - 01715-914329
Dipon 01711-182097

Website :

Our Underground Scene: as an extreme metal band .. it is pretty hard to survive in todays underground scene. Extreme metal music is not appreciated. The scene is almost dead. There are hardly few real black or death metal listeners. We dont have any mission here. We do music for ourselves and those who respects, admires and understands it.. Posers shall perish

Taking Over
The World

My Interests


Member Since: 17/02/2006
Band Website:
Band Members:

Alonso: : Vocals
Date of Birth: 13 th November
Current Status : : on a study break
Gear: My Own Throat ! = /
Influences: Slayer, Razor, Gorguts, Celtic Frost, Infernäl Mäjesty, Immolation, Possessed, Morbid Angel, : Pestilence, Bathory, Immortal, Venom, Dark Throne, Dark Funeral, Abigor, Burzum, Death, Hate, Monstrosity, Dismember, Entombed, Deicide, Graveworm, Belphegor, Destroyer 666, Vader, Aura Noir, : Unleashed, Sodom, Kreator, Destruction, W.A.S.P., Motorhead, Black Sabbath, Cancer, Desultory, Demigod, Seance, Bolt Thrower, Obituary, Banished, Disincarnate, Deceased, Bloodstone, Fester, early Sepultura, Crypt of Kerberos, Brutality, Atheist, Ripping Corpse, Demilich, Excruciate, Grave, Exhorder, Vio-lence, Sadus, Sacrifice, Nuclear Assault, Dark Angel, Watchtower, Coroner, Overkill, Rigor Mortis, Suffocation; alas mostly into Old School Death Metal, 80's Thrash Metal, some Black Metal, Doom Metal and some classic Rock. i cant name all the things i like but those who influenced me from time to time.

Dipon: : : Guitars & Vocals !!
Date of Birth: 5 th Dec
Current Status : Studying BBA in NSU
Gears : Guitar - Ibanez RG370 custom (with seymour Duncan JB pickups), Processor - Line6 DM4, Amps - Washburn Bad Dog
Influences: John Petrucci, YJ Malmsteen, Marty Friedman, Jason Becker, Michael Angello, Slash, Richie Blackmore, Chuck Schuldiner, Metallica, Dream Theatre, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Death, Slayer, Manowar, Pantera, Lamb Of God, Sonata Arctica, Sepultura, Vital Remains, Necrophagist, Gorod, Vader, Quo Vadis, Baphomet, Morbid angel, Hate, Nile, Capharnaum, Goratory, Deicide, Dying Fetus, Arch Enemy, Cannibal Corpse, Opeth, Belphegor, Immortal, Tvangeste, Dark Funeral, Pink Floyd, The Eagles, Dire straits, Blackmore's Night, Steve Vai, Joe Satriany, Guns N Roses, Warfaze, Aurthohin, Artcell, Cryptic Fate, Kral, Kronic and : Crotchduster. :

Shanil : : Guitars:
Date of Birth: : 20th April
Gears : ESP LTD EX-50
Influences : 80's Thrash Metal, Old School Death Metal, Thrash/Technical Death metal

Miland Petrozza ( Kreator ), John Connelly ( Nuclear Assault ), Chuck Schuldiner ( Death ), Nahian ( Severe Dementia )

Re- Animator, Sacrifice Funebre, Molested,Heathen,Gwar, Grave,Crypt of kerberos,Athiest, Destroyer 666, Necrophagist, Messiah, Venom,
Kreator, Nuclear Assault, Demence, Aura Noir, Dark Angel, Nephasth, The chasm, Pavor, Arsis, Bane, Betrayer, Bloody Gore,
Blood Red Throne, Imperator(POL), Massacre, Bolt Thrower, Celtic Frost, Morbid Saint, Sodom, Centurian,Necrodeath, Sadus,Sauron,Abominog,
Bethlehem, Broken Hope, Coronor, Belphegor,Voodoocult, Dessection, Sickening Gore, Domination Through Impurity, Banished, Cynic, Abhorrence, Metal Chruch, Carbonized,
Razor,Abnegation, Belial, Freshcrawl, Agen Steel, Resurraction,Theory in Practise, Torture Squad, Poizon Green, Severe Dementia


Arefin: : : Bass
Date of Birth : 20 th March
Current Status : doing A' Levels. student of Mastermind
Gears : Ibanez SR-405
Influences : Dream Theater, Megadeth, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, John Myung and Alex Webster.:

Piare: : : Drums:
Date of Birth : : 1 st April
Current Status : Studying : Political Science in Dhaka University . Also working as a feature writer in a newspaper.
Gears : : local drum-sticks !! =D
Influences : Darren Cesca, Derek Roddy, Richard Christy, Hanns Grossemann

Influences: Slayer, Death, Morbid Angel, Immortal, Vader, Hate (pol), Abigor, Belphegor, Behemoth, Destroyer 666
Sounds Like: Infidels in Slaughterhouse
Record Label: contact us : [email protected]

My Blog

August 5th at Sports Zone

i was pretty pissed... its not about the tickets that we sold but the advance payment we had to made. and we needed that show... for ourselves actually.the gig was pretty good. apart from some fucked ...
Posted by on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 10:17:00 GMT

new band member and updates from Necropolis

We've been looking for a guitarist (riffer) for past couple of months. finally we have found a guitarist. our good old friend  Shanil (Voodoo Economics) has decided to be a part of Necropolis.&nb...
Posted by on Tue, 23 May 2006 05:35:00 GMT