Working, sleeping, and trying to have a good time. I can also be seen frequenting this fine establishment...
Everyone. Seriously. We can all use more friends right? I think it's sad when people get so busy that they lose touch with others. Even if we were just acquaintances or didn't talk much, message me. I'd love to get to know you more.
There's not enough room for them all...
I Heart Huckabees, Elizabethtown, Say It Isn't So, Goldmember, The Skeleton Key, School of Rock, The Goonies, etc.
Rescue Me (LOVE that show), Grey's Anatomy, Family Guy (although the later episodes are trying to hard), 30 Rock, Scrubs, The Office and Arrested Development (RIP)
Politcal, biographies, or anything by David Sedaris
David Geffen, Tina Fey, and Seth MacFarlane, but mostly David Geffen.