miss♥kris profile picture


There are no regrets in life... Just lessons.

About Me

My name is Kristen, with an "E" like "ten" and not an "I" like "tin."
I'm a total softy. I let too many things get the best of me and I wear my ♥ on my sleeve.
HATE tomatoes
Love spaghetti
I'm the type of girl who will BURST OUT laughing at something that happened yesterday.
Don't care for games or the liars who play them ... NO thank you!
Grew up on Florida State football
Say what you will, but I'm NO bandwagon fan.
I'm terribly clumsy
I've got GREAT friends
My family means everything
I absolutely love to laugh
I'm a MoMMa's girl
And dad still treats me like glass ...
Any little thing might break me
Don't like seafood - not even the slightest bit... Ew.
I ♥ my job... well, not really at the moment! :(
You'll always see me with a smile on my face
I have NO idea what my natural hair color is anymore
I worry about *EVERYTHING* !
I CAN'T watch scary movies alone.... even the previews creep me out
In a nutshell
That's me
Nuff said
A friend is a single soul dwelling in two bodies.
♥And I am blessed with many.♥
You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you,... as you are to them.
"Time isn't what makes a friendship last..."
"It's the love and devotion
that keeps the tie between souls."
Create your own friendquiz here
? whateverlife.com

My Interests

live with intention.
walk to the edge.
listen hard.
practice wellness.
choose with no regret.
continue to learn.
appreciate your friends.
do what you love.
live as if this is all there is.

"A true friend is an angel who lifts us off our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly."

... Thanks for being my angel.

"A friend is someone who reaches for your hand... but touches your heart."

I'd like to meet:

I'd love to be able to have my grandfather back. I was really young when he died, so I never got to know him.


I love, love, love Jack Johnson. He's my favorite!

Daughtry... SO awesome and SO, SO hot!
I'm more of an Alternative girl than anything else... Yellowcard, Gym Class Heroes, Red Jumpsuit, Fall Out Boy, Postal Service, Augustana are some faves. I like some Rap/R&B stuff, but I tend to listen to it less frequently.


My all-time fave is Father of the Bride! And the second one is just as good!!

The Wedding Planner, The Notebook,

Wedding Crashers, A Few Good Men, Walk the Line


I love re-runs! Friends and Will & Grace are GREAT!

Law & Order, Cold Case... and I like to watch MTV a lot these days. Most of the stuff on there seems to be pretty good. Rob & Big for example ... HILARIOUS! Hmm, I think I watch too much TV! :)


My Sister's Keeper is the best one I have read recently!


The soldiers that are out there fighting for our freedom! ... My parents for always being there ... My brothers for always looking out for me.

My Blog

Cinco de Mayo

Waiting in line for about an hour and a half to get into an incredibly packed Freebird Live all seemed worth it last night when CHRIS DAUGHTRY took the stage.Not only was it an AWESOME concert... not ...
Posted by miss♥kris on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:22:00 PST

The Company You Keep...

- A Repost from my Dear Candice - It Is Better To Be Alone, Than In The Wrong Company.Tell me who your best friends are, and I will tell you who you are.If you run with wolves, you will learn how to ...
Posted by miss♥kris on Sat, 14 Apr 2007 09:22:00 PST

Silly Bulletins

So, just to clarify ....I do love God. I believe in Him and I am greatful for ALL that He has given to me. That being said, I don't feel it necessary to repost all the bulletins about believing in Him...
Posted by miss♥kris on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:56:00 PST

Tag! You're it!

Alright... this is the second time I've gotten tagged to do this thing!!  Dern it! :) THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the 7 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged ne...
Posted by miss♥kris on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 05:00:00 PST

It's time for a change!

This is courtesy of Mandy.  It was so true that I had to repost it!! ... With a few tweaks though! :) I can't stand fake people.  The kind that will be your friend to your face and the secon...
Posted by miss♥kris on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 10:17:00 PST