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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My Site Is Under Construction!
It would seem that there are way more customization options for MySpace than I was aware of. However learning all the neat little tricks is taking some time, but soon I will have an informative site that’s not only easy to read but interesting to view. I have always hated cluttered MySpace pages with tons of crap that takes forever to load and just distracts you from what you’re there for; which is reading about your friend or trying to figure out who just sent you an ad request. I promise to keep my site simple yet unique. Just give me a few weeks, I have other things to do you know.
Who The Hell Is Rusty Hardy?
Well, what about me? I suppose you want to know the typical stuff. What are my hobbies, do I snore, do I like sports or watch TV, do I have pets, did I read twilight, am I really as big as my Exes claim? I shall attempt to sum all that up and more without giving too much away. My name is as it appears on my page Rusty Hardy. I do not appreciate it when friends of mine on myspace habitually change their display name and picture, so as a rule I don’t do it.
Seriously Whenever I get a message from someone calling themselves “Who Shit in my Oatmeal” and their display picture is of a midget dressed like a gay pirate holding a light saber while riding a lama, my first thought is naturally “Who the fuck is this??” and “Why is he riding a lama?” Honestly many question come to mind. I then feel compelled to investigate by going to the mystery person’s site and sorting through their info and pictures to see if I can figure out who the hell just invited me to a party.
I don’t know about you but I sure as fuck am not going to any gay midget’s party, especially if he has a light saber. So after ten minutes or so I usually discover sometimes by process of elimination; that it’s just some retarded friend of mine who got bored one night and totally reinvented themselves through their myspace page. I like to send messages to the effect of….
“nice to see you got over your lama allergy you fucking douche bag. No I can’t go to your party I have to have an alibi for that night. Somewhere someone pretending to be a Dwarven Jedi pirate on myspace is going to be beaten to death with a foot long frozen turd. I don’t want it to be linked back to me. Sorry”
Ok, back to what I was saying before. My Name is Rusty Hardy I live in the Den O Sin or Denison Texas where absolutely nothing interesting or cool ever happens. Which some might argue is what makes it so great. Well they can keep it. As soon as I can afford to, I’m moving. I have left home many times before sometimes for years, sometimes for months and once for a few weeks. I hate this town and love it all at the same time it’s hard to describe. I have a lot of good friends here most of my family live here and I do have a few found memories connected to this place. However it’s also a reminder that I haven’t yet done a thing with my life. Despite all my efforts I am still in this town and wanting out.
Well enough of that, I am or at least am trying to become a writer. I am already quite an artist and am very skilled in fixing things. No, I do not care for sports however I do know a few things sos not to get completely lost when others start yapping about it. I guess you could say I’m a Cowboys fan. My friends and families decision not mine. Because frankly I could give a shit who wins the super cup or whatever the fuck dinner ware piece it is. I am well know by my friends for having an abnormally low tolerance for bullshit and am fondly remembered by many for my often random rants concerning various subjects. I am opinionated but not beyond reason; although some would probably disagree.
My Mother for example is Religious I am Spiritual she believes that every word in the bible was written by saints and is thus without fault or corruption. I of course know better and thus we do not get along when the subject comes up. I have done research and have facts to back up my opinions she has fabricated myths and magical fairytales to back up hers beliefs and evidently that’s how she likes it. Faith without doubt trust without question I am an unfaithful sinner who is going to burn in hell. Ok whatever.
I used to be quite active in an online gaming clan called the Cereal Killers founded by my brother and I and a few of our friends. I created our logo and Designed our site which is still up and active check it out if you want but I doubt it will be of any interest all those guys talk about any more is elves dragons dwarves and other magical fairytail fagotry. CK Clan is now a WOW Clan and it sux ass.
As for Pets I have 5 adorable little RATS, yes I am the weirdo with the rats. I actually have a requirement that any girl I would like to go out with must like or at least not be afraid of rats. “I just don’t like their tails.” is really pushing it, just so you know. I love rats for their tenacity and adaptability they are kind gentle creatures with a curiosity only surpassed by humans. What upsets me is that they are almost always portrayed as disgusting and villainous in movies and I’ve had about enough of it. They are really sweet will love you as much as a dog or cat would after they get to know you. That is of course unless you get them from a pet store at an old age. They are far more likely to have been handled roughly, been poked at, chased after and Jerked up by their tails I doubt you would be friendly if treated that way.
Here is a nice story. My brother Devin while passing his rat Howard’s tank in the living room one day; tripped and spilled scalding hot soup all down his chest. He collapsed and started screaming. Howard leapt to the edge of his tank and off it to the floor a five foot drop to run over and nuzzle Devin trying to comfort him. It worked Devin was so moved by Howards display of affection he hardly felt the pain for a moment. Your precious cat would have hid under your bed and your dog would have clumsily stepped on your burnt flesh and tried to lick your face, which although a sweet gesture would have made you feel worse and angered you. I am pleased to say Howard is still alive and well in the care of my other brother Cary since Devin’s new Apartment will not let him have rats as pets.
Rats are noble creatures and are considered holy by some cultures so have some respect and quit hating. Oh and one last common rat pet peve. When meeting someone’s rats for the first time do not poke your finger in their face and ask “Does he bite?” and be all upset or surprised when the next thing you say is “Ouch it bit me.” Of course he did you fucking asshole what you just did was rude as hell and pretty damn stupid. If I stuck my finger in your face you’d probably be tempted to bite or strike at me, right? Well the same goes for the rats. Why do people think that that’s a good idea? Be respectful and courteous and you just might be surprised.
Moving on, I’ll leave the TV section for the TV section much later. No I did not and will not read Twilight it sounds gay. Most Vampire stories are pretty stupid in my opinion I like ware wolves as far as that stuff goes and have yet to read a good book or see a good Movie about them, but I liked how ferocious they looked in Underworld and Van Helsing. And as for the last question, yes, yes I am.
Me in a nutshell
.:~A little about me~:.
WHAT..'S YOUR REAL NAME?: Rusty Dale Hardy
ANY NICKNAMES?: The King (it’s complicated)
WHAT SIZE ARE YOUR FEET?: my shoe size is 14
HOW LONG IS YOUR HAIR AND WHAT COLOR?: I have short but thick brown
IS IT STRAIGHT, CURLY, OR SOMETHING ELSE ALTOGETHER?: If I let it get longer than an inch or two it fros out
WHAT..'S YOUR ZODIAK SIGN?: I am a text book Scorpio
ANY TATTOO..'S?: No but I have plans to get a full back tattoo and my eyebrow pierced before I turn 30
SIBLINGS?: My two brothers are the most important people in my life I also have two older half sisters and a cousin who is more of a sister to me than either of my two halves, we have been through a lot together.
ARE YOU A HEALTH FREAK?: I take care of myself but I’ll admit I should sleep more and eat more
DO YOU CLEAN WHEN YOUR MAD?: Yes, come to think of it I do
FEARS?: Falling in love with the wrong girl again
STRENGTHS?: I have an uncanny sense of direction
BAD HABITS?: I tend to interrupt people when they talk and bitch at people for doing the same to me, I’m working on it
PLACE YOU WANT TO LIVE?: Oregon or perhaps Australia though I’ve never been there I hear its hot
DO YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF?: I believe that I will eventually be the only person on the planet who knows what is going on
BEST ADVICE YOU'VE EVER GOTTEN?: where ever you go, there you are
PERFUME?: There is a perfume in a collection from Brighton called Laugh that reminds me of a girl I once loved deeply
COLONGE?: I still haven’t found anything I like better than Gravity by Coty
ALCOHOLIC DRINK?: Not much of a drinker but I do enjoy Disaronno amaretto
COLOR?: Purple
ACTOR?: Leonardo Dicaprio
ACTRESS?: I think that Cate Blanchett is the most talented and beautiful Actress of our time
QUOTES?: Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind; Dr Seuss
/>VIDEO GAME OR BOARD GAME?: That’s a tough one I love video games but nothing beats playing a fun board game with 4 or more close friends
HIGH HEELS OR BOOTS?: as great as my legs would probably look in high heels I’m going to have to say boots
SODA OR JUICE?: I love Orange juice more than anything
NIGHT OR DAY?: I hate sunlight
TRUCK OR CAR?: Trucks are fucking pointless unless you have a job that calls for hauling loads of shit around all the time
PHONE OR INPERSON?: I hate being on the phone and I hate texting even more but nowadays it seems to be the preferred mode of contact so I use it but I hate it
FMX?: What the hell is FMX?
RELATIONSHIPS?: as long as we both have plenty in common and understand one another and there is no mistrust then I would prefer to be in a relationship otherwise fuck that!
OUTDOORS?: I hate the cold so as long as it’s not cold I love the outdoors
SHOPPING?: I am what they call a bad shopper as in I make poor decisions when making purchases
WERE YOU IN LOVE?: For a while I thought I was
HOW OLD WERE BOTH OF YOU?: in our early twenties
WERE YOU ENGAGED?: I almost asked her to marry me and I nearly had a heart attack
WHY DID YOU SPLIT UP...IF YOUR STILL TOGETHER DO YOU WANT TO SPLIT UP?: We split up because I felt that the relationship was smothering me and quite possibly killing me. We still talk but there is no promise to be together and oddly enough my panic attacks have ceased
EVER HAD A LONG DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP?: It was a long distance relationship all but 9 months of the five years
OLDER OR YOUNGER?: Older or younger what? Seriously doesanyone making these surveys know what they are asking half the time?
PET PEEVE?: Beautiful girls who abuse their power over men by getting any and every man they want and then tossing them aside like garbage
TURN ON?: Girls who admire genuine honest guys, like me and ignore the smooth talking assholes that always seem to 1 up me
KISSES OR HUGS?: Nothing makes me harder quicker than a passionate kiss
~ WHO IS ..... ~
YOUR CRUSH?: I have a few and they probably all get on my myspace from time to time or will in the near future and I’d rather not disclose that
YOUR WORST ADDICTION?: For some crazy reason I am addicted to sex and if it means hooking up with a skank to get it I will or have in the past. Lately I have done alright.
YOUR BEST FRIEND?: I have so many friends it would be hard to choose a best and unfair I think
ONLY A PERSON OF YOUR PAST?: What the hell kind of question is that I have a lot of people in my past most of which are just people I met once or twice to name them all would be ridiculous I mean seriously who the hell writes these things?
ON YOUR MIND RIGHT NOW?: The one that ran away, as much as it hurt I still love her
HAVE YOU LAUGHED SO HARD YOU PEED?: No but I have made other laugh so hard they peed
HAD A NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE?: Yes, it was awesome
CAN YOU GLEEK?: No but my brother Cary can get your ass from half a block away
DO YOU FALL IN LOVE EASILY?: I used to now I find it difficult
WHAT GIVES YOU THE BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: being in love and having it be mutual
WHAT DO YOU LIVE FOR?: I’m not so sure I know the answer to that anymore
WHAT CONCERTS HAVE YOU BEEN TO?: I saw Heart when I was real young
MOST MISSED MEMORY?: Waking up and seeing the ocean
REGRET ANYTHING?: Telling the one I loved her and scaring her away
Lady Gaga, my future wife.

My Blog

Back on earth

I will rewrite this later once I stop getting headaches from staring at bright lights. I am home now alive and......well...I'm not so sure I can claim well. But I'm better than I was. I am no longer...
Posted by on Fri, 29 May 2009 00:00:00 GMT

Phuck the Police

I often wonder if anyone really knows or even cares what the true purpose of law enforcement is supposed to be about in this country.  Crime prevention is what police are supposed to excel at, yet ...
Posted by on Sun, 24 May 2009 00:54:00 GMT

Relationship advice

.................................... .r{} @font-face {font-family:"Cambria Math"; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4; mso-font-charset:1; mso-generic-font-family:roman; mso-font-format:other; mso-font-pitch...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 05:19:00 GMT