CLICK HERE to get a FREE MYSPACE LAYOUT OR create your own using MYSPACE PROFILE EDITOR !!! About Me: hmmmm...i'm pretty complicated..probably because i try to be as simple as Ipossibly can and I'm a woman...a contradiction i know...but we all strive for theimpossible in something. Right now what is going on in my life: NURSINGSCHOOL...and it sucks large amounts of middle aged balding obese monkey ass (sorry, itry to be a lady but sometimes its impossible with strong feelings)...its not so muchwhat I have to do or the patients or the work involved. Nursing is my calling life...iknow tihs in the core of my being...but the school part SUCKS. You can know the testmaterial backwards and for weeks everything you aresupposed to (which is a substantial amount)...pretty much bust your ass and barely passwith an 82 (by the way thats a C and an 80 is the lowest passing grade.) YEAH. its thatkinda bullshit I hate. Its political and viscious and people fail out every semester notbecause they aren't smart or because they wouldn't be wonderful nurses but becausemy school can't get their shit straight, have teachers and clinical instructors worth adamn and do their best to weed out people from 120 to 35 at graduation.I have 2 "wonderful" children. Kevin (7) and Rory (5). I put wonderful in quotesbecause anyone with kids knows they are almost NEVER wonderful, sometimesunbearable, sometimes embarassing, confusing, and worth every bit of it when they tellyou they love you and give you a hug and a kiss. They are my reason for being herebecause without them I would have given up a long time ago.. I have recently added to my inner circle collection ofgreat people a boyfriend :) His name is Barrett and he is amazing in EVERY waypossible. Even though we have led VERY different lives we have ended up alike in somany important ways. My life is crazy and difficult and he is my soft safe place to fall.Thank you so much baby.I like to go out and have fun (well I like every part but the must have been aman who designed the stilletto heel).I am currently working on some very personal goals...mainly boundaries andassertiveness...i have learned recently the hard way i am lacking in these areas.I like me. I try not to be as bitchy as I possiby can but again...i am a woman :)I am open and honest and what you see is pretty much what you get. I have noticedthere are no happy mediums with me..people either love me or hate me...there is no"yeah i know melissa..she's alright". nope! that would be WAY too much like right. I amintrospective to a fault and am pretty intuitive with other people as well. I like reallyKNOWING the people in my life that are important to me...not their favorite drink orresturaunt or color or anything like that...but who they are...what they like..what theysay they want but really don't and what they want out of life in the big picture. I loveintelligent men and by god I got one. The most recent life lesson i have learned is thatlife will always give you something to compensate for shit that is about to happen toyou. It is learning to appreciate that fully and learning from all experiences that makessomeone worth knowing. I might not fit the mold but at least I'm not ordinary..which isthe worst thing one can be in my opinion. I will talk to anyone aobut anything and thatis my strongest character asset in my opinion. I'm not stuck up or viscious orduplicitious...and I do not associate with people that are. Maybe that means my circleof people is smaller than some..but trusting your people is worth the sacrafice.besides..who's counting anyway after high school??Thats me by me. i hope anyone reading this who knows me agrees since we judgeourselves based on our intentions and others judge us based on our actions. Rarelypeople get these two to match...i hope i'm one.Mel