I lost a part of myself,my heart, my soul June 20th.
I guess normally i'd write something about how awesome I am. How funny, smart and damn sexy I am, but I don't feel much like myself these days. What more can I say then, I am missing this piece of me. It's still there, but to not be able to hug or see him, it's just more then one can bare at times. My anger consumes me, my grief overwhelms me, too much pain to think. Thank god for my family, my kids, my husband. For all those that I love that are here with me, THANK YOU! To all of his friends that he truly loved, I love you all too. There are so many regrets, "what if's" to think. I had many before that day, I hope everyone learns to not live like that again. Say how you feel, do what you want, Love who you Love!! Don't drink and drive. And for fucks sake, buckle the seatbelt. Don't make anyone hurt the way my family does and will. Don't drive tired. Just think before you take risks. I hope that fly saw how many loved him!!!