YourVooDooDoll profile picture


..::Your Never To Old To Play With Dolls::..

About Me

Just Your Every Day Seer
Who I am? - I am 30+ and some change in the sense of birth years - however I believe myself to be an old soul many years beyond than what I am. I am an eclectic/ecentric witch. I am very stern & stubborn in my ways & beliefs. I am a mother, a metaphyscian, baseball coach, farmer, animal rescuer, renfair wench, Healer, singer, dancer, web designer, graphic artist, tarot reader, friend, enemy, cheerleader(@ my kids events) heehee, chef, maid, interior decorator, librarian, accountant, receptionist, taxi driver, mechanic, do it yourselfer, carpenter, teacher, student, day care provider, bird breeder the list goes on. I refuse to pay someone else for something I can teach myself - I will @ least attempt it (and very may possibly break it more) before contacting outside help!
I live in a very small town, after living in houston for 30 years my spirit yearned to be free from the constriction of tall buildings and assholes ... So I got rid of the tall buildings and replaced them with ranches and farms however the assholes tend to live everywhere. I love myself - I believe you have to love yourself unconditionaly in order to be loved and to give "free" unrestricted love to anyone else. I love to give (not material things) but spiritual parts of me - something that won't get lost, broken, or misplaced. This may include love, friendship, honesty, laughter, and other tokens that are often abused today. By abused I mean people use the terms love... friendship... Trust... loosely and shape it into their own ideas whatever fits them best sort of thing.
For the most part I enjoy an array of activities that includes river rafting/tubing, water skiing, camping, Renaissance Festivals, other outdoor festivals, gardening, watching my children grow, web designing, photography and a damn good game of Spades!
CURRENT MOON about the moon
I am a dark but full of light intelligent person. On most days I am a self contained loner. I am impartial to most people and situations. I care very little for trivial things like fashion, financial status, and appearances. I am more concerned with what’s inside. What’s underneath it all. I have a chaotic and volatile nature but in the right circumstances with the right person I am completely docile. I can be very conniving and manipulative if need be. If I feel threatened by someone, I will find every weakness I can and not stop until I tear them down to nothing. To my friends and those I care about I am extremely loyal and understanding. To everyone else...I am whatever you think I should be (in your mind).

I am very anti social and selective in the company I choose to keep - however I love to hold social gatherings @ my property in waller Texas - we have bonfires for sabbats and traditional holidays where we have delicious potroast - we bbq and everyone who comes brings a covered dish of some sort - if you would like to come out and enjoy good food and merriement @ one of our social gatherings please drop me a line and I will let you know when our next gathering comes about! Our Next one Is in April 2008!! where everyone brings some sort of edible!
..::my work::..

My Interests

Metaphysics, Astrology, Photography, Animal Rescue, Hardwood Spades, Web Design, Cooking, Gardening, Ad & D - *Dungeons & Dragons* Auras. Astrology. Astral projection. Autumn. Awkward silences. Beauty. Belly Dancers ::OPA!:: Barren truths. Blogs. Broadening my horizons. The word “Fuck”. Candles. Consciousness. Cooking. Compulsive Disorder. Creativity. Change. Conversation. Clairvoyance. Chiromancy. Dancing. Dreams. Death. Desires. Deep thought(thats thought people not throat). Destiny. Doodling. Ecentric. Eclectic. Evolution. Exposing lies. Erotica. Energy manipulation. Fragility. Fetishes. Forensics. Gardening(lol). Ghosts. Gods. Goddess's. Gypsies. Herbs. Honesty. History. Hauntings. Horror. Halloween. Intimacy. Ideas. Intelligence. Karaoke. Kisses. Love. Lovemaking. Learning. Living. Me. My Children. Music. Manipulation. Medievil era. Mythology. Obsession. Occult. Onion Rings. Palmistry. Passion. PIRATES!!! Arrrrr! Pop Tarts (not really). Persuasion. Psionics. Psychiatry. Philosophy. Poetry. Psychic ability. Queen of Cups. Queen of Hearts. Reading. Renaissance Festival. Stability. School. Survival. Soulmates. Seduction. Secrets. Self control. Sexual exploration. Spades. Temperance. Tarot. Tattoos. Thunderstorms. Travel. Tarot. Telekinesis. Texas. Understanding. Vampirism. Victorian Era. Whiskers. Witch Craft. Writing. Word play. :o) Collecting things ... such as

James Avery Jewelry, Tattoos, DVDS, roosters, dragons, incense, candles, gemstones, books, medieval weapons - Halloween Collectibles ~

I'd like to meet:

YOU...possibly ... .. ....
I'm picky. I hate the term dating. Most don't stimulate me.
I would love to meet you if you haven't completely annihilated the term "moral".
I would rather be alone. I don't need you if you don't exceed my expectations.
...Impress me with your cocky attitude and material things?.... please just go away.

I am not into .. relationships - I don't need nor seek your disgusting sexual Chats/Messages etc.
I am above most when it comes to reality - I do consider myself a realist and understand you can be anyone behind the box including myself.
Got Mindgames? Then I have no time for you - Do not tell me how beautiful or Ugly you may think I am - I really don't care... my Beauty or Ugliness seeps much deeper then the surface
Have a bad attitude about life? Think yours Sucks? In general have a negative attitude? Do yourself a favor and log off - make a change only you can make yourself truly happy.

I DISLIKE IGNORANT PEOPLE, Those Who Insult Others To Bring Themselves Up Out Of Their Own Pathetic Existance.
I am currently NOT looking for anything - I am quite happy in my solitude and don't need someone in my life to complete me.
I LIKE... Eccentric people I am NOT hung up on looks - as long as one is hygenically clean - I go much deeper then the surface and expect you to as well. Tattoos with meaning (not some crap you had slapped on your arm one night when you were drunk :o) Piercings - maybe. He's solid with confidence in the business world - yet not afraid to submit behind closed doors HIS feelings and inner most thoughts. Can be SPONTANEOUS. No doubts in his Sexuality ... let's just say I don't feel like investing several years into something for you to discover you prefer men :o) !! High Maintenance. . . if you spend more time in the bathroom then I do getting ready - we may have a problem ~ Realizing that taking care of yourself and your body are important... makes your mind more clear of your thoughts and less clutter. Have a Strong Back Bone... be real... be compassionate... be someone unique and different... " INTRIGUING" !!!
Intelligence: SPEAK if you know what your talking about... if not, don't bother ~ Realize we all have something To learn as well as teach. Have goals... DO whatever you feel that you can be the best in. Follow your Dreams. My parents... I look up to them. They are a very important part of me and wherever they may be is home for me - (meaning I'm not available to relocate). If you are anything like them... you might win some points. Don't be someone your not. BE yourself. No matter what you will get HATED on through your life for something by someone. All that does is make you a stronger and more independent, intellectual human being that has something more to offer than the one that just brought you down. It makes you contribute more for what you believe in and teaches you to work your ass off that much harder. You OWN yourself and can be whatever your heart and soul desires. NO ONE can take that away. Every single person has their own BEAUTY and TALENT ... use it and failure will NEVER occur.
The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.
I am the whisper that goes bump in the night, The reason you close your closet doors, and run down the hall fearing something behind you is near lurking and tracing your every step - I am the eyes of Souls & search your most inner secrets without blinking an eye -
.. Inspire me... Intrigue me... Indulge me... with your mind
"Graze on my lips; and if those hills be dry, stray lower, where the pleasant fountains lie." -- William Shakespeare


1. Are you single? I'm involved

2. Where do you live? Texas

3. What's up? Please don't ask me what's up my life is pretty simple - I'm playing spades with my favorite person cvrmep - tinkering with computers - working in the yard - see did you really want to know?

4. Can I add you as my friend? sure ya can
5. Thanks for the add! You're welcome for the add. Now its not necessary to say it (ReallY) although if you really want to - you may proceed!

6. Wanna have cyber sex? I'm gonna go with NO.

7. Will you fuck me? Are you fucking serious? No.

8. How are you? I'm fine. I'm obviously alive and well enough to get on my computer, and that's all you need to know. Don't ask me this question again. Seriously If I was horrible would you really care and how could you possibly make it better?

9. Will you make me a sign? Sure. Make me one first.

10.Will you comment my pictures? Sure. Comment mine first.

11. Will you comment my page? Sure. Comment mine first.

12. How did you make your layout? Html worked for me - I honestly do not like layouts that are premade (for myself anyhow) I strive to be somewhat different @ all cost.

13. Will you whore me? Whore you? I wouldn't know how if I wanted to - I'm still new around this joint - someone help me out here! ::update:: I'm a big gurl now and have learned a bit more about myspace - and to answer the "will you whore me question" see question #4 ::wink::

14. Why didn't you respond to my [message/comment]? First ask yourself what message or comment you left. What did it say? If you cannot remember, go back and look, but it probably said something like "what's up," "how are you," "ur hott," "i wanna &*!$ you," or something along those lines. Don't expect a response to a message like that. I don't waste my time responding to stupid comments or messages.

::.Yes, I felt this section to be somewhat necessary, because I'm !@..$%&* Tired of hearing all these questions. I hope you took the time to read my profile before messaging or commenting me, though few people actually do take that time. If you find me seemingly intersting enough and want to add me as a friend please be so kind to drop me a line to actually show you cared enough to explore my page..If you have read through my entire profile, let me know by leaving a comment saying "Voo You Rock 3x!" m'kay? Thanks.:: ..

Nothing Like Celtic Music To Stir Your Soul Please Click Below to Hear their mezmerizing sound and tell them Voo sent ya if you choose to add them as a friend!


Sade// H.I.M.// Iced Earth// Type O Negative// Madonna (Justify.My.Love)// Enigma// Rumors Of The Big Wave// Disturbed// Miss Kitty// Portis Head & Massive Attack// Sting// Frank Sinatra// My Chemical Romance// Kenney Chesney *Yeehaw*// Benni Benassi// Dave Navarro// Lords Of Acid// Basement Jaxx// Ozzy Osbourne// Silverstein// Fleetwood Mac ::Stevie Nicks::// Chevelle// Korn// Metallica// Rob Zombie ::White Zombie::// Lorena McKennitt // Our Lady Peace// The 69 Eyes// Mighty Mighty Bosstones// Red Hot Chilli Peppers// NIN// Ween// U2// Dead Sexy// David Bowie// Dropkick Murphys// Rammstein// Stained// Busta Rhymes// Crossfade// CKY// Atreyu// PJ Harvey// Misfits// Kiss// Sex Pistols// Dave Matthews Band // The Faint// Shotblue// Copeland// Action Action// Amber Sky// Beloved// Dear Whoever// Duran Duran// The Cure// Depeche Mode// Pink Floyd// L. L. Cool J// The Ramones// Jack Off Jill// Mazzy Star//My Music Is Diverse - Music Moves the Soul




"Rocky Horror Picture Show"

"Practical Magic"

"Nightmare Before Christmas."

"Skeleton Key."

"Pirates of The Caribbean"

"The Lost Boys ::nanook::"


Not much of a TV Junkie However if you find me in front of it ~ most likely you will catch me viewing Real World, Inferno, MTV, Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, & The History Channel ~ Some of my past favorite shows would be ... Stephen Kings Kingdom Hospital, The Banana Splits *heehee*, Old Scooby Doo... I can remember being 7 or 8ish wishing I had fraggles living under my house they rocked and still do!!


Sticks, Stones, Roots & Bones - Hoodoo, Mojo, & Conjuring With Herbs By Stephanie Rose Bird.
The Coffin Dancer - By Jeffrey Deaver. I don't possess a favorite book as it's ever changing. The above are titles I am currently observing. Authors that have my respect ... C.S. Lewis, JK Rowlings, Lemony Snicket, D J Conway, Edain McCoy, Silver Ravenwolf, Raymond Buckland, M. Macha NightMare, Stephen King, VC Andrews, Clive Barker - used to get detention for reading his spine chilling thoughts during class :P, Judy Blume, J Bilby - The List is ongoing


Mother Earth, She Puts Up With A Lot Of Our Shit!!, My Dad, Shamanic Wiseone, Cvr, My Grandmothers & Myself - everyone should have their own inner heroe even if it means strapping on a pair of batman or wonderwoman underoos!!

Cool Slideshows

My Blog

in case you like to...

share stuff, files of all sorts... I had another myspace that i used to do this with... instead i opted for this...  we share all sorts of fi...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Wed, 02 Jul 2008 04:08:00 PST

worthy blog material

One of my myspace friends sent me a message the other day... and I went to respond to it this evening and felt it was a wonderful question on something that can be so controversial. So I Decided to bl...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Mon, 16 Jun 2008 08:31:00 PST


I have had a few emails asking why the friend purge- i imagine this will take me about a week or so... this is my most current reply -   when i started i had about 4000+ friends... way too many t...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 11:04:00 PST

Lord & Lady Blessings and gratitude .

You never know when the God and Goddess are going to bless you!! Good things happen when you least expect them to!!!!!!!! This goes to all higher powers of belief - tweaking your deity works all the s...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Wed, 07 May 2008 11:29:00 PST

Long Live The Queen

Long Live the QueenfI am the Queen of Conflict.I wear the crown of self-righteousness upon my head.I sit in the throne of argument.and am cloaked in the robe of anger.I hold a scepter made of the fine...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 06:02:00 PST

Name Please?

So We have purpleXoblivion and thevillagewytch as registered business names and domain names.. but we need something ugh i dunno unique and catchy sounding to the ears - basically for the home busines...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:33:00 PST

Pando Much?

Pando ... its pretty awesome - and thats what Im trying to do with THIS page... I have awesome shares and they last longer if you share them on the web vs - via email... so what is Pando asides f...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 02:19:00 PST

Some of my all time favorite shows....

are not aired in the states . . . but i own most of them on dvd - and if you are brittish or enjoy brit humor please refer me to more insane comedies I simply can not get enough... with that in tow he...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 06:24:00 PST

part deuce - of the *dramatic Garbage disposal war*

ok if you didnt read the last blog entry - you will have to - to understand where this is all coming from... Spud a new requested friend that accpeted my add a friend request commented on the blog - ...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 10:07:00 PST

Tag Your It

I hate these as Im somewhat reserved on the personal stuffs i mean the really really personal stuffs in my life so most likely this will be quite un-enlightening Here are the rules. Each player starts...
Posted by YourVooDooDoll on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 11:47:00 PST