Bob profile picture


One door leads to another

About Me

" At noon I took what is called a noon sight, or meridian altitude of the sun. This established my latitude, or distance north or south of the equator. I used only the sextant with a few figures added and subtracted to come to a hasty accurate computation. In the afternoon-about three-thirty or four- I took a shot of the sun. From its altitude I quickly and easily determined a line of position, at some point on which I was located. Simply by estimating my latitude, according to distance and direction traveled from noon, and applying it to the line, I had my position. Anybody can do it."

My Interests

bit of everything

I'd like to meet:

THis guy...


bit of everything


Braveheart, Last of the Mohicans, Good Will Hunting, Rounders, Swingers,


I only get two channels, and they are usually pretty crappy


The old man and the sea, Crime and Punishment, any old philisophical stuff, Der Kleine NIck, el Delfin, Il Piccolo Principe


Sponge Bob, Bob the Builder, Bob Marley, Bob Dylan....

My Blog

Juicy fat lovin' in South mission

I finished work early yesterday (by choice and not by chance) and skated over to the boardwalk that hugs the sandy beach in south mission.  The weather has warmed up considerably in the last coup...
Posted by Broker Bob on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 10:52:00 PST