Films, comics, good books, good people and little known pubs. Things that I love: The kindness of strangers, fearless squirrels, dew, autumn, the smell of a crisp night, great views, people who smile, bizarre laughs, salted popcorn, thunderstorms, the paper on sunday morning, dodgems, really crips bacon, a fresh bed, lie-ins, politeness, riding down a hill, canals, pancakes, nostalgic TV, full moons, girls with cute necks, rocking out to old classics, soft cola bottle sweets, parks, well loved shoes, cheap beer, my grans apple pies, unashamed geeky conversations, spiral staircases, my Mums deviled turkey, clouds... I love clouds, a really good film, a really good night out when everyone just turns up and things go on all night (the 'dazed and confused effect- cannot be organised).