Believe in your vision. Make your life what you want the world to be. Create but don't conform.
I'll try to practice what I preach, and you go on doing your best...
Here's something I made in after effects recently.
^This is something I made in my 3d animation class in 2002^
^Warp mesh animation I made in after effects in 2006^
^War of the Worlds meets AFX animation in after effects in 2006^
My Name is Blake Dowd. I first entered the world of myspace on 3/1/06.I'm a student studying 3-D animation and hope to do that for a living.I'm an artist that uses all mediums of art.
I'm usually listening to some music when I'm creating something.
My family background is mostly Irish.
Right now I'm back in school and should have my degree before long.
I'm learning java and working with Maya to make things in 3d again. Sometimes I boot up Reason 3.0 and make my own music for fun. I have a curious mind and I've found myself drawn to new and different art and music more than usual lately.
I'm a complete "IDM" head now; I'm past the stage of denial. It's been categorized as "Intelligent Dance Music" or IDM but it's not meant to dance to, as much as it's to stimulate your imagination.
Another new thing I enjoy is anime. In the past I had interest in it, but no means to get access to it. The internet has since changed that for me.
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I just saw a movie called "Waking Life". I don't know what to say except it blew my mind.
While I come to grips with my new perception, I recommend seeing "Waking Life", to anyone who took the time to read these symbols called words. O.o