First of all, I'm blessed. I have a beautiful wife and an amazing baby who just celebrated his second birthday. So I really am ungodly lucky.I'm a writer. I think as long as I've been aware of wanting to do something, I've wanted to be a writer.As far as what I write... well, for the past ten years, I've been a contributor to Ain't It Cool News, a movie news and rumor website that has afforded me some remarkable opportunities and earned me my fair share of notoriety.I've also been a WGAw member since 1995, when Showtime Networks hired me and my writing partner Scott Swan to adapt our one-act play STICKS & STONES as a made-for-cable movie. Last year, I finally saw my first film produced, a one-hour original horror film called CIGARETTE BURNS, part of the MASTERS OF HORROR series. John Carpenter directed. So, ummm... that was cool...
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