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About Me

First of all, I'm blessed. I have a beautiful wife and an amazing baby who just celebrated his second birthday. So I really am ungodly lucky.I'm a writer. I think as long as I've been aware of wanting to do something, I've wanted to be a writer.As far as what I write... well, for the past ten years, I've been a contributor to Ain't It Cool News, a movie news and rumor website that has afforded me some remarkable opportunities and earned me my fair share of notoriety.I've also been a WGAw member since 1995, when Showtime Networks hired me and my writing partner Scott Swan to adapt our one-act play STICKS & STONES as a made-for-cable movie. Last year, I finally saw my first film produced, a one-hour original horror film called CIGARETTE BURNS, part of the MASTERS OF HORROR series. John Carpenter directed. So, ummm... that was cool...
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Lee Marvin, Sam Peckinpah, Stanley Kubrick, Akira Kurosawa, Toshiro Mifune, Martin Scorsese, Buster Keaton, William Powell and Myrna Loy (but only if they're together and drunk), The Nine Old Men, David Lean, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Timothy Leary, Terrence McKenna, Hunter Thompson, George Lucas, Robert Mitchum, Bruce Lee, Sonny Chiba, Christophe Gans, Dario Argento, Bill Watterson, Jim Henson, Mr. Rogers, and The Marx Brothers.

My Blog


    We're just a few days away from air date at this point.I'm so giddy I just put up a new piece of artwork in my photos section, one of Greg Nicotero's baby designs for the episode.&n...
Posted by on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 17:16:00 GMT

Greatest Present Ever, Bar None

Man, I love my wife.Here's what I wrote in last week's DVD SHELF column:"Currently, Im trying to guess what my wife is up to. I think shes got Fathers Day plans, and shes doing something sneaky. She a...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 02:10:00 GMT


Do you love those cartoons on AICN the way I do?Cartuna is a genius, and his work is one of the great things that the site ever did to brand itself.  Harry and Cartuna together are freaks of a fe...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 04:04:00 GMT

Oh, Shit, He's Really Blogging!

Had a great, great first Father's Day.The strangest moment was when I was talking to my dad on the phone while holding Toshi on my lap."Happy first Father's Day," my dad said."Happy 36th Father's Day,...
Posted by on Mon, 19 Jun 2006 03:51:00 GMT

I Give Up

I resisted.I really did.  I was determined not to do this.But if I'm not going to be using my Typepad account for the kind of traffic I was using it for, then there's no real reason to pay that m...
Posted by on Sun, 18 Jun 2006 02:30:00 GMT