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El Negro Marciano

When the going gets tough, the tough call Chuck Norris.

About Me

His name is Trevor. He usually doesn't speak in third person, but this time he does. He lives in Charlotte, NC. He works for a living. He has irregular sleep patterns. He hates waking up early in the morning. He plays video games and reads comic books because the real world is boring. He is an aspiring muscian. He is an artist. He's a good cook. He works out. He has dreadlocks. Yes, they are real. He doesn't really care about about name brands. He does, however, like Puma, Converse, and Adidas. He likes money, but doesn't love it. He is obsessed with Japanese culture. He hates doing laundry. He hates people that do not utilize common sense. He is not sure whether he has been in love or not. He is a huge fan of Salvador Dali. He doesn't understand the concept of celebacy. He doesn't like squeeky sounds. He likes good conversation. He is a sucker for a nice pair of legs. And a baby face. He likes pie, but not as much as he likes donuts. Or beer. He doesn't have a nickname. Yet. He likes the winter time over summer. He's a modest guy. He thinks aliens are real. He doesn't watch much TV. He does love the show COPS, though. He analyzes his dreams. He can live without the radio. He's messy, but knows where everything is. He's honest. He likes kids. He doesn't want any. He likes intelligent women. He's a Virgo. He thinks that doesn't mean much. He likes to socialize. He doesn't understand why people go out, not to socialize. He reads magazines from back to front. Bye.
Questions people never think of:
While driving down the road, and looking for an address, do you turn the radio down? HELLZ YEAH! Guess I ain't the only one...
Pretend you are a really good cook, what meal would you make? I am a good cook....Pan seared rack of lamb with a fig and red wine reduction, served on a bed of cous cous flavored with saffron and fresh spring vegetables. Bitch.
What is your favorite piece of clothing in your closet? My Spiderman shirt with the cover of Amazing Fantasy # 15, his first appearance.
Why? Cuz its Spiderman and I look damn good in it.
If you could quit your job right now, and be anything you wanted, what would it be? Musician (full time), comic book artist/writer, etc...
What do you think of when you look at the stars? Damn them bitches is far away!!!
When you add someone into your cell phone, do you use there real name, or there nickname? Both, depends on what I typically call them.
If you use there real name, do you add there last name? No. But maybe their last initial if they have the same first name as someone else.
How much information do you ask for before you sleep with someone? Lights on, or off?
How long do you date someone before you sleep with them? Date?! Muuuaaaaah hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!
If you could say ONE THING to the president, what would it be? Quit while you're ahead.
If you could meet ANY president, dead or not, who would it be Abe Lincoln
Why? Cuz he read Aesops Fables and that alone makes him more interesting than most other presidents. Oh yeah, and he had something to do with freeing slaves.
If you could get rid of the holiday season, would you? Yeah.
Why? Papa Santa is just propaganda (MC Paul Barman quote)
IF you could go to any state, which one would you go to and why? Cali or Washington state, to see what its like. I got unfinished business in Washington. I need a complete change of scenery, anyway.
Would you ever get a personalized license plate? No.
If yes, would would it say? IMDNOV8R
If you could go back to college, what would you major in? Animation.
Before you go to sleep at night, what do you think of? Many things.
What is your favorite kind of weather? Cold. Cold and rainy.
Do you find it a bit unnerving doctors call what they do practice? Now that I think of it...
If a turtle doesn't have a shell, is he homeless or naked? Naked. The Earth is its home.
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation? Nigga please.
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My Interests

My interests consist of the arts (visual, musical, culinary, etc.), Asian culture, and tha sexy ladeeeez. Other stuff too, but what good would it be to put it all on here? Kinda takes the wonderment away doesn't it?Your results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 80% Green Lantern 75% The Flash 65% Iron Man 60% Wonder Woman 55% Robin 52% Supergirl 50% Superman 45% Hulk 45% Catwoman 40% Batman 30% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...

I'd like to meet:

Anyone with something intellectual to say....


Ah yes....where do i start? First and foremost, i DO NOT listen to the radio, watch MTV, or that BET ish. So if you listen to Lil Weezy, or Lil Sheezy, or Lil Heezy, or Lil Beezy, or anybody with the word Lil in their name, we got problems. Hopefully someday people will realize that the most talented artists are ones that never get any press, never get heard by the masses, and never go platinum. I could go on and on about who I listen too, but lemme save you time by telling you who i'm currently bumpin': Babbletron, Cool Calm Pete, Mars Volta, Stereolab, MF DOOM, J Dilla (R.I.P), old Slum Village shit, De la Soul, anything Danjermouse, J-Zone, Q and not U, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, DJ Quik, Blonde Redhead....and so on.
The Ultimate All About You Survey:

About Me
Full Name: Trevor Muh-Fuckin Hoskins
Nickname: Trev, Trevy, Tre, Trevolito, T
Best Known As: Trevor
Other Names: n/a
Birth date: September 17, 1982
Birthplace: Jacksonville, Arkansas
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Age: 24
Sex: As often as possible. I mean, male. Sorry.
Current Location Charlotte, NC aka the Queen City, where queens treat their men like kings and kings treat their queens shitty.
Hometown: Sumter
Sexual Orientation: Male
Marital Status: Single
Religion: none
Language: English and some Spanish
Heritage: All kinda stuff
Ethnicity: Black
Hair Color: Black and reddish tint.
Eye Color: Brown.
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180ish....
(For The Guys) Facial Hair or No Facial Hair I have facial hair.
(For The Girls) Make Up or No Make Up I don't like girls who wear too much make up.
Piercings: They can be hot.
Tattoo: Same for the above answer.
Shoe Size: 9 1/2 or 10 depending on the brand.
Body Type: Athletic
Best Physical Feature: Haha...where the hell do i start.
Most Overused Phrase: Fock!!!!
Clothing Style: Hard to explain. Fly as fuck.
Swagger: Like none other.
Top 6 Words To Describe Yourself Best: The last of a dying breed.
Favorite Number: 17
Favorite Letter: T
Favorite Word: Shit
Favorite Catch Phrase: It aint matrimony its macaroni.
Favorite Quote: "Think twice before you answer, think twice before you say 'yes'" -Peetey Greene
Favorite Day: Saturday
Favorite Month: September
Favorite Year: 1982
Favorite Holiday: I don't really celebrate holiday.
Favorite Color: Blue
All Time Favorite Video Console: Super NES.
Current Favorite Video Console: My Japanese PS2.
All Time Favorite Video Game: Castlevania Symphony of the Night. or Street Fighter Alpha 3
Current Favorite Video Game: Neo Geo Battle Colisseum
All Time Favorite Video Game Series: Castlevania or Street Fighter
Current Favorite Video Game Series: Castlevania
Favorite Electronics: My cell phone
All Time Favorite Entertainer: Johnny Depp
Current Favorite Entertainer: Johnny Depp
All Time Favorite Music Artist /Band: I don't have a favorite
Current Favorite Music Artist /Band: Look above
Favorite Song: It always changes depending on the mood, but right now its "Monkey Suite" by Madvillian
Favorite Music Video: Barracuda by Miho Hattori
Favorite Album: Lost by Cool Calm Pete, or Uptown Saturday Night by Camp Lo
Favorite Food: Anything edible. And donuts.
Favorite Drink: Beer, coffee, water, beer, lemonade, tea, and beer.
Favorite Dessert: Ice cream
Favorite Candy: Reese's peanut butter cups.
Favorite Snack: Donuts.
Favorite Fruit: Donuts.
Favorite Veggie: Mushrooms. And donuts.
Favorite Country: Japan.
Favorite State: Based off the ones i been, probably NC.
Favorite City: Charlotte, Washington DC, Orlando, Charleston. Don't have just one.
Favorite Store or Stores: Manifest Music
Favorite Clothing Store: Urban Outfitters, Express for Men. Anywhere with dope shit.
Favorite Clothing Brand: Don't have one. Its about how you rock it.
Favorite Shoe Brand: Puma probably.
Favorite Jewelry Brand: I don't rock that shit.
Favorite Make Up Brand: Man, please.
Favorite Automobile: Hondas are nice.
Favorite Book or Magazine: Scratch, Men's Fitness, and anything having to do with philosophy.
Favorite Fragrance: Vanilla.
Favorite Childhood Toy: Transformers.
Favorite Cartoon: Trans-fuckin-formers.
Favorite Animal: Koalas and pandas.
Favorite Pro Basketball Team: The Charlotte Bobcats, by proxi of course.
Favorite Pro Football Team: The Raiders.
Favorite Pro Baseball Team: Don't watch baseball.
Favorite Thing To Do As A Child: Draw.
Favorite Thing To Do As A Teen: Chase biddies.
Favorite Thing To Do Now: Chill.
Favorite Restaurant or Fast Food: Right now Brixx Pizza.
Favorite Screen name Optimus Rhyme. I always change it.
Favorite Messenger: Yahoo!
Favorite Celebrity: Christain Bale.
Favorite Part Of The Opposite Sex: Eyes and legs.
Favorite Pizza: Greek or spicy shrimp.
Favorite Vacation Spot: This year, Jacksonville.
Favorite Web Site: www. play-asia.com
This or That
Sexy or Cute: Sexy
Kiss or Hug: Sex
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
Summer or Winter: Winter
Money or Love: Love
Pizza Hut or Domino's: Tha Hut
R&B or POP: Pop in the club.
Good Boy/Girl or Bad Boy/Girl: A little of both.
Brains or Brawn: A little of both.
Naughty or Nice: Naughty naughty.
McDonald's or Burger King: BK Lounge.
Dog or Cat: Dog, definitely.
Chocolate or Vanilla: 'Nilla.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Coffee.
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny.
Looks or Personality: Why not both.
Who is your....
Momma: Mrs. Hoskins
Daddy: Mr. Hoskins
Best Friend: I don't categorize friends, but you know who you all are.
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: ...........
Homies: Too many to name.
Dog: Dont have one.
How Many Sisters Do You Have? One.
How Many Brothers Do You Have? One.
What is your Boyfriend/Girlfriends Name? next question....
Have You Ever?
Have You Kiss The Opposite Sex?: yes
Have You Hugged The Opposite Sex?: yes
Are You A Virgin?: nada
Have You Been In Love?: yes
Have You Been Called A Tease?: yes
Have You Ever Cheated?: on a math test
Have You Ever Shoplifted?: not purposefully
Have You Ever Beaten Someone Up?: like in elementary school. Man, we beat that kids ass!
Have You Ever Got Beaten Up?: naw
Have You Ever Been Skinny Dipping?: no
Have You Ever Did Drugs?: no
Have You Ever Drank Alcohol?: yup
Have You Ever Been Drunk?: yup. wish i was now.
Have You Ever Had A Threesome Or More?: naw.
Have You Ever Had Sex In Public?: depends on what you call sex
Are You A Dare Devil?
Do You Love Roller Coasters?: yes
Would You Go Snow Boarding?: why not
Would You Eat Any Insect If You Bet You?: depends on the bet
Would You Go In Public Completely Naked If You Bet You?: probably
Would You Go Surfing?: i probably need to learn how to swim first
Would You Go Rock Climbing?: naw.
Would You Go Scuba Diving?: sure
Would You Have Sex In Public?: why not.
Would You Go Water Skiing?: nope.
Would I Ever Go Bungee Jumping?: doubt it.
Would I Ever Jump Out Of A Plane?: are you serious?
What Would You Do If....
Your Boyfriend/Girlfriend Left You For Your Best Friend: Learn to accept it....
You Won 1 Million Dollars Or More: Pay off some debts and invest.
The World Was Going To End Now: we'd be a whole buncha dead mother fuckers.
Last Person....
That Called You: Angela
You Talked To: Terence
You Cried To: Its personal
You Laugh With: Terence.
You Laughed At: Terence.
You Kissed: My niecy poo Adison.
You Hugged: Adison.
Your Friends
Who Is Your Bestest Friend?: I dont categorize friends
Who Is Your Funniest Friend?: Probably D-Brad.
Who Do You Consider A True Friend: Someone i would take a bullet for.
Favorite Hair Color: Brunette.
Favorite Eye Color: Brown, blue, green. Doesn't matter.
Height: Not to short. I'm not too into short girls.
Weight: Depends on how they hold it.
Long Hair or Short Hair: preferably long, but it depends on how they rock it.
Clothing Style: as long as they look hot, im good.
Swagger: confident.
Do You?
Do You Think Your Attractive: Yes
Do Believe In Yourself: Indeed
Do You Get Along With Your Parents: Always
Do You Want To Go To College: Been there, done that.
How Do You Want To Die: Happy
Do You Want To Get Married: Not at the moment.
Do You Want To Have Kids See above.
What Is Your Goal This Year: To achieve my goals.
What Do You Want Your Carree To Be: I'm an assistant restaurant manager now, so possibly a general manager.
Do You Regret Anything: Yes
Are You A Heath Freak: 'Heath'? You mean 'health'? Not a freak, but i try to maintain a healty diet and workout routine.
Do You Shower Daily: Hells yeah.
Do You Hate Anyone: No. Not worth the time.
Your Hero & Idol: Pops, Mom, Salvador Dali, Bruce and anyone that did something that others said they couldnt.
How Do You Want To Be Remembered: For being funny, positive, humble, and dope as fuck.
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I'm really into foreign films, so I'm feelin Hayao Miyazaki, Takashi Miike, Akira Kurosawa, the Yuen Brothers and some other stuff. Of course anime is my shit, so if you're into anime we need to talk. I'm a big Tarantino fan, and i'm recently getting into Michel Gandry and other notables. Of course Stanley Kubrick. I'm pretty big into movies though. Too many to name.


Don't watch much of it. If it ain't on Cartoon Network, Food Network, or people beating the hell out of each other, chances are i'm not watching it.
Deeper Insight on Life:
Things I Think About
I am starting to realize what is truly important in life
I've never smoked anything ever in my life
I will never compromise my dopeness
I wish wishes always came true
The craziest people i know are also some of the most intelligent
The silliest um, how do you start a sentence with "The silliest"?
Why do niggas use the N-word so much?
I love donuts. With extra glaze. And chocolate milk. MMMM, donuts.
I hate ignorance
I cannot stand people so ignorant they don't know that they're ignorant
I will always be in debt to those that truly mean something to me
I have a fourth nipple. Yeah, i know what you're thinking....
I need a vacation.
I still need that vacation.
I fear no beer.
I turned down a good job because i refused to cut my hair
I kissed this girl once and it tasted like spinach. Gross.
I might save your life one day.
I used to give a fuck about what people say.
I should have stopped listening to them a long time ago.
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75 Random Questions:
Do you have any pets? Nope
What color shirt are you wearing? Grey dub-b.
Name three things that are physically close to you: A cold cold bottle of Rolling Rock, a computer, and my jughead ass brother.
What is the last book you read? 'On Desire'.
Are you or were you a good student? Hell yeah.
What's your favorite sport? Soccer.
Do you enjoy sleeping late? I used to, but not so much anymore.
What's the weather like right now? Hot as fuck.
Who tells the best jokes? D-Brad.
What was the last thing you dreamed about? Getting suffocated.
Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Yeah, when i was in high school is made a left turn into oncoming traffic. I didn't know!!!
Do you believe in karma? Yes, and many other Buddhist ideologies.
Do you believe in luck? Not really. Everything happens for a reason.
Do you like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up? Scrambled.
Do you collect anything? If so, what? Souls.
Are you proud of yourself? Yeah, I've been through a lot. If i don't give myself credit, no one will.
Are you reliable? Very.
Have you ever given money to a bum? Yeah, but usually i go buy them food so they don't spend the money i give them on bullshit.
What's your favorite food? Italian
Have you ever had a secret admirer? Yeah.
Do you like the smell of gasoline? Not really.
Do like to draw? Hell yeah. Its my first love.
What's your favorite invention? Cell phone and sex.
Is your room messy? Right now, but i know exactly where everything is.
What do you like better: oranges or apples? Apples. They're more versatile.
Do you give in easily? Depends ont he situation.
Are you a good guesser? Sometimes.
Can you read other people's expressions? Yes.
Are you a bully? Naw.
Do you have a job? Indeed.
What time did you wake up this morning? 6 am.
What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Cinnamon pinwheels and a tall boy of Red Bull.
When was the last time you showered? Yesterday, but i did i will here in a few.
What do you plan on doing tomorrow? Working.
What's your favorite day of the week and why? Saturdays. They're slow at work and thats when i tend to get in a lil trouble if im off.
Do you have any nicknames? This is in another one of my pointless surveys.
Have you ever been scuba diving? No, but it sounds fun.
What's your least favorite color? Orange, but i look damn good in it.
Is there someone you have been constantly thinking about? If yes, who? Yes. You know you is.
Would you ever go skydiving? Nope.
What toothpaste do you use? Vanillamint.
Do you enjoy challenges? Yeah, the sense of accomplishment you get is awesome.
What's the worst injury you have had? Broken heart.
What's the last movie you saw? Napolean Dynamite.
What do you want to know about the future? Nothing.
What does your last text message say? Some shit CIngular sent me.
Who was the last person you spoke over the phone to? Terence.
What's your favorite school subject? Culinary arts.
What's your least favorite school subject? Math.
Would you rather have money or love? Love.
What is your dream vacation? Tokyo, or some kinda island somewhere.
What is your favorite animal? Koalas and pandas.
Do you miss anyone right now? I miss the shit outta somebody right now.
What's the last sporting event you watched? Chuck Liddell get knocked the fuck out.
Do you need to do laundry? Naw, i already got that taken care of.
Do you listen to the radio? Not if i can help it. I listen to mostly underground shit.
Where were you when 9/11 happened? I was doing my intership at a hotel in Charleston.
What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Cry.
Have you ever caught a butterfly? No...i'd imagine butterflies don't wanna be caught.
What color are your bed sheets? Its got this design on it. Blue and some kinda khaki shit.
What's your ringtone? 'Award Tour', by A Tribe Called Quest.
Who was the last person to make you laugh? Terence.
Do you have any obsessions right now? Not really.
Do you like things that glow in the dark? Sure, why not.
What's your favorite fruity scent? Vanilla. And woman.
Do you watch cartoons? Hell muh-fuggin' yeah. Porky Pig is the man.
Have you ever sat on a roof? What do i look like, Spider-man? No. But sounds fun.
Have you ever been to a different country? No.
Name three things in the world you dislike: Indecisive people, picky eaters, and racists.
Name three people in the world you dislike: Akon, Lil Jon, and Dr. Phil.
Has a rumor even been spread about you? Yeah.
Do you like sushi? Yum yum.
Do you believe in magic? Kinda.
Do you hold grudges? Nope.
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Currently reading Kitchen Confidential, and always got my nose in some philosophy books. Always studying up on the ol' Buddhism stuff. Cook books, comic books, music mags (Scratch iz the shit!!), video game mags, art books, poetry books, and MANGA!!! I'm a manga nut. Right now i'm reading Battle Royale, Tough, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Death Note, Naruto (i started reading it before it went all mainstream, i'll have you know), Arm of Kannon, and anything Masamune Shirow. Any other suggestions?
Not For The Teenie Boppers:
If you could change one thing about your past, without it changing every other aspect of your life, what would it be? Make more practical desicions as opposed to emotional decisions.
Are you happy with where you are in life, at this time? Yes I am, but i'm always trying to improve my situation.
If you could travel anywhere in the world, without cost being a deciding factor, where would you go? Tokyo, Japan. Or Seatlle, Washington.
Do you get along better with the same sex, or the opposite sex? Men because a lot of women don't understand me and it tends to scare some off.
Are you the type of person who prefers one or two close friends, or lots of acquaintances? One or two definitely.
Are you still friends with anyone you went to school with? D-Mick, D-Brad, Dre, Antweezee....the list goes on.
Are you a home body, or a social butterfly? Lil bit of both. You can't be too much of either.
What do you enjoy doing on the weekends? Sometimes i work all weekend, but if not, just chill and throw in a party when I can.
If you and one friend were asked to be on a reality TV show, who would you take with you? D-Brad, because he's without a doubt one of the realest catz i know.
Beer, wine or liquor? Beer, baby.
What is your relationship status? I really don't know.
Are you happy with your current relationship (or lack thereof)? Its bittersweet....
What is your idea of a perfect date? Candlelit dinner, a long walk, and just a deep conversation about any and everything.
What's your idea of the perfect romantic getaway? Far off in the country, like a winery, and just me and the other person far away from anybody else.
If you could have a date with any celebrity, who would it be and what would you do? I would dip myself in chocolate, roll in sprinkles, and let Milla Jovovich and 3 of her closest lesbian friends eat it off of me.
Do you think you can love someone, without trusting them? No, but I think love can cloud your better judgment if you let it.
Do you believe it is possible to be in love with someone you've never actually spent time with? Its never happened to me personally, but i'll never say never.
Do you believe in soul mates? I do. But it still takes work to make it happen.
If you do believe in soul mates, have you found yours? I hope to answer that question very soon.
Which is more intimate, in your opinion... Cuddling or Intercourse? You can fuck anyone, but theres this feeling you get when you cuddle that you can't just share with anyone.
If your partner was unable to have sex due to illness or injury, would you stay with them? Yes. Its called love.
Are you happy with your current career/job? Yeah dude....i'm a twenty-four year old black male thats restaurant manager. Statistically I'm supposed to be dead or in jail by now.
If not, what would you rather be doing? If i didn't do this i'd definitely be an animator. I love to draw. Pics will be posted soon bitches.
Which is more important, your career, or your family (assuming you are married with children)? Family. No questions asked.
If you answered family to the above question, would your family agree that they are most important? Yup.
How many hours a week do you work, on average? 50+. I grind for mine, but its worth it. I could be addicted to crystal meth. Haha.
Did you choose your current career path for money or enjoyment? Career path and enjoyment. My company takes good care of me.
If you could have ANY job, what would your top three career choices be? Animator, music producer, screen writer.
What's your biggest strength, when it comes to your job? Dealing with guests, i suppose.
Your biggest weakness, or flaw? Sometimes forgetting that people have lives outside of work.
Do you take pride in your work, or just hurry through it as quickly as you can? I take the utmost pride. This is how i make a living.
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My pops, my mom, my brother, myself, Bruce Lee, Salvador Dali, and Frank Stallone. Okay, maybe not Frank Stallone. 80 Things You Might Not Know About Me
Whats your middle name? Ryan
How big is your bed? Queen size air matress baby!!!
What are you listening to right now? the voices in my head
What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number? 5309
What was the last thing you ate? Popcorn
Last person you hugged? You know, i don..'t even know...
How is the weather right now? Shitty. I live in Florida.
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Terence
What is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex? Legs.
Favorite type of Food. Seafood.
Do you want children? Nope
Do you drink? Yes.
Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night? No
Hair color? Black
Eye colour? Brown
Do you wear contacts/glasses? Both
Favorite holiday? Don..'t celebrate holidays.
Favorite Season? Winter
Have you ever cried over a girl/boy? Perhaps a long time ago.
Last Movie you Watched? Billy Elliot
What books are you reading? Deathnote Vol. 6, at the moment
Piercings? not anymore
Favorite Movie? So many. Oldboy, is the first that comes to mind.
Favorite college football Team? Don..'t watch football.
What were you doing before filling this out? Eating popcorn
Any pets? no
Dogs or cats? Dogs
Favorite Flower? sunflower
Have you ever loved someone? My family
Who would you like to see right now? My mom and dad
Have you ever fired a gun? Laser tag and nintendo light gun
Do you like to travel by plane? Never have
Right-handed or Left-handed? Right
If you could go to any place right now where would you go? Tokyo, Japan
Are you missing someone? yeah
Do you have a tattoo? no
Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings? not on Saturday mornings
Are you hiding something from someone? maybe
ARE YOU 18? 23
WHAT MAKES YOU UNIQUE? Because there is no other me.
FAVORITE HANGOUT? My cousin..'s house
3 THINGS YOU CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT? Family, friends, and oxygen.
FAVORITE SONG? Currently ..'Deacon Blues..' by Steely Dan
WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? complete failure
ARE YOU A GIVER OR TAKER? um, what the fuck are we talking about.
WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? Don..'t have one.
STUCK ON A DESERTED ISLAND & COULD TAKE ONE THING? A cell phone with a full battery to call someone to get me.
FAVORITE T.V. COMMERCIAL? I hate commercials.
FIRST THING YOU'LL SAVE IN A FIRE? As many of my clothes as i can.
Whats your favorite color? Blue.
WHAT ARE THE THINGS YOU ALWAYS TAKE WITH YOU? Wallet, keys, inhaler, and cell phone.
WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED? What i did today, and hopefully what i will do tomorrow.
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My Blog

Randomology 3.0

When others sense you're having a bad day, they say 'whats wrong?'. So how come when i'm having a good day motherfuckers ask the same damn question? Like,'Damn...i just can't have a good ass day?'. I'...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 04:38:00 PST

One Year Later....

So....its been a year. A whole year since i left Jacksonville, FL. A WHOLE 365 days. That shit is nuts!!!! I would have to say that leaving that motherfucker was one of the hardest, but ultimately mos...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 08:11:00 PST

Random Randomness Volume II

Keep the people that know you better than yourself close to you. Through them you'll find out who you really are. You can't be a pussy all your life. The news is always a re-run. I've starte...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 02:20:00 PST

New poem

From Monday to Sunday The AM is wicked.Had a round trip to paradise,But you got drunk and lost the ticket.Leave your baggage at the door.Waking up with ghosts from the night beforeNow you feel wr...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 10:43:00 PST


Life is wild man....but it ain't shit if you don't learn from it. I've noticed a pattern, or vicious cycle, depending on how you look at it, in my life. I used to think that life is about how good you...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Sat, 19 May 2007 10:51:00 PST

Random Randomness

People arent as interesting as I hope them to be, or at least remembered them to be. I believe the worst music of all time is being made today. I've lied to some people in the past few weeks. I've sto...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 07:24:00 PST

Exodus...and some other shit....

Yeah...so i've officially left Jacksonville...AND ITS FUCKING AWESOME!! Really its been a little over two weeks now. I mean, I feel alive again. Its something about that place that brings you dow...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:48:00 PST

Top 10 Craziest Things A Girl Has Ever Said To Me....

I guess i have "Please say something really fucking stupid to me" tattooed on my head, cuz i'm a magnet for these kinda things. I guess girls get off on saying some wild shit to me. I don't know....
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 05:24:00 PST

And They Wonder Why I Don't Date....

Anybody that knows me knows that I put the 'b' in bachelor. After Ginuwine got married, he handed me the title.  Now don't get me wrong, I love the lifestyle and it definitely works for me, but t...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 07:06:00 PST

Hip Hop's Lost it's Punk

As a true fan of hip hop, i'm tired of katz just letting anything and everything pass as hip hop nowadays. People think that just because you put words that rhyme together over a 1-2 beat, that makes ...
Posted by El Negro Marciano on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 04:01:00 PST