Art. Music. Life.and by the way just so she doesn't get mad, Becca said my headline..
...I would like to meet Superman because I live in his secret lair and I am wondering when he is coming home..
Hmm.. music.. yes music.. I like music.. I love Sublime! I love punk, ska, alternative, oldies (lol).. I don't know.. hmm... There is too much to write-- it would take me for ever to list everything. One of these days I may do it, but today is not that day. Bleh!
I do this thing where I burn movies and send them out to the masses. Currently Waking Life is the one that I am insistent on everyone watching. If you have never seen this movie and would like to own your own copy, please let me know. I love movies and I love burning them! Join the boNg's flick list today!
So Hey Tim, here ya go.. and it is like.. WTF kind of an attack gives you mana?? Let alone +10.. what the hell are you going to do with +10 mana?! LOLTelevision.. well, I love cartoons, so Simpsons is definitely numero Uno. I like Law and Order and cops shows like that ( I find them educational and it is good to know how NOT to talk to a cop). I like CSI Las Vegas because I live up the street from Vegas and so yeah (just kidding, Vegas is more like down the street). I like Family Guy and American Dad. I like Malcome in the Middle, The Office, My Name is Earl, and there is this other show which I LOVE, but for some reason cannot recall the name of...
books are the shizzle to my fizzle.I just got a new book called The Barnum Museum by Steven Millhauser. It is a collection of short stories, one of which is "Eisenheim the Illusionist" which is the basis for the movie The Illusionist so I am looking forward to reading that.Any art book I enjoy, as well as ones with good illustrations.. and photography for that matter.. I just like imagery in general. But I also like a good story. If any of you have any suggestions on good stories, let me know, because unless I think you're a tard, I'll totally check it out :)
Hunter S. Thompson. He knew..