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Mike Cividino

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Im a University Music student, avid skateboarder and hoping to move into education down the road. I am passionate about making music and playing the drums, with some piano and guitar in there too. Slalom skateboarding has become one of my favorite things to do, Ive spent so much time at it these last few year that I managed to score a sponsorship from an awesome German board builder. Visit them at www.pavel-skates.com.This last summer has been one of the most amazing of my life. From May until the start of november I competed in 9 different cities in 5 different countries. Thats about 25 different races when you add all of the diciplines at each event. The season went something like this:May: Paris Slalom World Cup (Paris, France) 6th place Giant slalom, 5th place Tight slalom and 1st place hybrid SlalomJune: Hannover World Cup (Hannover, Germany) 2nd place tight slalom, 2nd hybrid slaomGrunnigen Slalom World Cup: (near Zurich, Switzerland) 1st place hybrid slalom, 2nd place tight slalom.Buckeye Open: (Columbus, Ohio) 1st place tight slalom, 3rd place hybrid slalom, 6th place GSJuly: Canadian Nationals (Ottawa, Ontario)1st place overal. Named Canadian Champ 2006August: Da Farm (Vista, New york) 6th GS, 3rd Hybrid, 2nd DH.September: Encinitas Open (Encinitas, California) 6th in both hybrid and tight.November: Dixie Cup (statesville, NC) 5th outlaw hybrid, 4th tight, 6th GS.Not a bad season at all. It was also my last season as an amatuer skateboarder, as the last two races were in the PRO catagory. Hopefully I can post some pictures of my PRO MODEL skateboard by Pavel skates.Thats all for now.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Friends, Skaters and Musicians.