First and foremost, please thomas.loc.govThere, you will find all you need to know about any immigration reform. FYI, President Obama met with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) amongst other members of Congress and Senators whom are both for and against the so called "comprehensive immigration reform" on June 25th, 2009. He was not going to sign anything, unless if it was an Executive Order, which is a Political Career ender. So don't spred exciting news that is FALSE.Here is the reform that everyone is talking about,If you are illegal, you pay a HEFTY fine, file the paperwork, and get in line. Of course, you may be denied and deported, but that fine is somewhat of a way for you to secure your spot in the US. If your criminal record is CLEAN, you are at an advantage then if you have ANY misdemeanors. If you are not clean, well, then it gets complicated. Remember, being in the US illegally is only considered a misdemeanor, not a felony.But before any universal reform such as the amnesty can make it to the House or Senate floor, or even Committees, there has to be something done about the DREAM Act. If you don't know about this act, it basically allows you to stay in the US under a student visa/provisional permit to stay and get your bachelors degree. There are some HUGE technicalities behind this such as when your parents brought you here, how old you are, level of education (i.e. High School Completion, etc). That BILL, not yet an act since it has merely been proposed is Senate Resolution (S.) 729 and House Resolution (H.R.) 1751. These both have the support of ranking membes in both Houses (House and Senate) and the President, Barack H. Obama.It will not be an easy task, so what everyone can do is:Contact your members of Congress, for that visit and look for your member according to which congressional disctrict you live in. Ask your member to support HR 1751 and contact your Senator to support S 729. Little things like this are what make the difference, begin petitions, do whatever you can to help.Educate, I suggest going into and look for both of the bills by looking up (DREAM Act). That search will generate two links, read them both. As a Page, I can tell you that the Senate is going to do it's best to pass this bill through committee and try to get all of the credit. But also, understand that a complete immigration reform, not the DREAM Act, could be deadly for Obama's chances of winning re-election. But that is just my view. So don't be surprised if any of these bills are KILLED while still sitting in the Committees, and probably wont make it to the House Floor during the 111th Congress 1st of 2nd session. Heck, it might not make it during the 112th Congress, maybe not until the 113th. Just keep up to date by reading the headlines, in Hispanic Newspapers and your local news outlet. Crazy things happen, so just do as I say and contact your members of Congress.Thanks, Jose EchevarriaPS: Please REPOST!!! And keep it coming, it will educate many people. is over-rated!!!