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God first Holy Bible was wrote in Egyptian language before Hebrew language06-09-2009The Holy bible was written in Egyptian long before it was written in the Hebrew language of today English form. Moses is said to have, wrote the Old Testament bible but Moses did speak the language like other men, which he could not wrote in Hebrew at that time.They say the holy bible was written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek but all that is just guess work. So I can say it was wrote in Egyptian because Moses was taught in Egyptian schools of the time.But to get whole truth the bible is a lot older than one would think because books have left out the church of the time did not like them. Some of these books were even found with the books we call today bible.The books they like to puts Moses books first making the Egyptian language first and bible an Egyptian book. But in truth the Egyptian books of Moses were not wrote first and this not Egyptian book it just the language Moses spoke first his first language.God is helping me because I am weak and I want you to understand the truth about the bible and I know the truth the part has taught me. I believe God wants you to understand because he wrote for you to teach it to one another.It not about the books you have or do not have it the love that it teaches you and the love you share with one another because of it. It could been wrote in any language or tongue but the thing it teaches the love, joy, peace and others taught that what matters.Think on this your believed in a book does not matter your believed in the love of the book or any book it what matters. It been a long time since I wrote these must to you but I do it out of love.By the grace of God I was able to write tonight and my love goes out to you because I do love you. Thank you for taking the time to hear from, a man that written skills are poor with love and a holy kiss Roy. ++++++************************************* Joseph Blackmon (20 June 2009) "PRINCE WILLIAM'S INTERESTING BIRTH: ALTHOUGH WE WON'T KNOW ANTICHRIST TILL WE GO""“PRINCE WILLIAM’S INTERESTING BIRTH: ALTHOUGH WE WON’T KNOW ANTICHRIST TILL WE GO” PRINCE WILLIAM BORN: 6-21-1982 “BORN BY CAESAREAN SECTION ON SUMMER SOLSTICE’ BY DESIGN. WHY ? TO FULFILL SATANIC & WITCHCRAFT SIGNS 6-21 = LONGGEST DAY OF YEAR; TRANSFORMING HIMSELF INTO AN ANGEL OF “LIGHT” ? FROM BEFORE: 9-11-01 to 9-19-09 = 2930 days 9-19-09 to 8-12-16 = 2520 days INCLUSIVE or 2519 days EXCLUSIVE 9-11-01 to 8-12-16 = 5449 days = HEIGHT OF PYRAMID-PILLAR TO PLATFORM F/CAPSTONE 9-19-09 to 3-1-2013 = 1260 days 9-19-09 to 9-11-16 = 2550 days 3-1-13 to 9-11-16 = 1290 days 9-19-09 to 10-26-16 = 2595 days; DAY AFTER LAST DAY TABERNACLES = BEG. OF MILLENIUM 3-1-13 to 10-26-16 = 1335 days 6-21-2009 = PRINCE WILLIAM’S “27TH “ BIRTHDAY 6-21-2009 = “113” from 3-1-09 (1-1-9 original) = ‘PENTECOST NO.” 6-21-2009 = END OF SPRING/BEG. OF SUMMER (SOLSTICE) = END OF GEMINI/BEG OF CAN-CER 6-21-2009 = “90” DAYS TO “9-19-09” FEAST OF TRUMPETS (NEW YEAR-JEWISH); BEG. OF TRIBULATION 9-9-9 + “10” days = 9-19-09 “TRUMPETS” 9-19-9 = original “9-9-9” before “10” days added in “1582” by Pope Gregory (an antichrist) “9-9-9” = interesting date for the TRIBULATION TO BEGIN, with a COVENANT WITH HELL. “1582” + 434 = 2016; INTERESTING “1582” changing times and laws (DANIEL 7:25) “434” = 62 X 7 or “62 weeks” “1967” + 49 = 2016; INTERESTING as many have noted “1967” six day war for ISRAEL BUDDING “49” = 7 x 7 or “7 weeks” WILL “MESSIAH’S” SECOND COMING LITERALLY FULFILL BOTH “TOTALS” (7 weeks & 62 weeks) as HIS FIRST COMING DID ? REVIEW SECTION: Now REMEMBER: 9-29-00 = Beginning of Millenium = Genesis 1 12-31-03 = 1189 = 3 yrs. 3 mos. 3 days = Revelation 22 NOTE: Here we see the ALEPH TO TAV (1-22): 9-29-00 = Jewish New Year = 1 (Bible begins Hebrew) 12-31-03 = Gentile End Year = 1189 (Bible Ends Greek) 1-1-04 = Gentile New Year = 1190 = 1 (Beginning Bible Again) 1 – 1189 = GENESIS 1 to REVELATION 22 “1190” = GENESIS “AGAIN” 9-29-00 to 9-30-08 = 2924 days (2924 – 1189 – 1189 = 546) 9-29-00 To 5-19-09 = 3155 days (3155 – 1189 – 1189 = 777) 9-29-00 To 5-29-09 = 3165 days (3165 – 1189 - 1189 = 787) TRUMPETS = 9-30-08 = PSALM 68 : “READ THIS PSALM” = 1ST day or 9-30-08 or TRUMPETS = 1ST chapter New Testament = MATTHEW 1 = TRUMPETS = NEW YEAR TRUMPETS = 9-19-09 = 900th chapter of Bible = MICAH 7 : “MICAH 7:1,2” BACK TO “PRINCE WILLIAM”: 6-21-1982 to 10-26-2009 = “9990 DAYS” INCLUSIVE 10-26-09 To 10-26-16 = “7” years 9-19-09 to 10-31-09 = “42” days; what a SAMHAIN or HALLOWEEN for these Antichrist’s WELL, JUST SOME INTERESTING NUMBERS, BUT REMEMBER WE WILL NEVER KNOW, AND THANK GOD FOR THAT. (2 THESSALONIANS 2:1-13) GOD BLESS, YOURS IN CHRIST, JOSEPH M. BLACKMON ************************************THINK AGAINend.see see!!!!!object width="425" height="344"> .. no law trust no one= think this is a joke-

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******************************8gay pride?real must see!!! see thisno more lies!!!FUCKIN LIER-

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El Salvador is the smallest country in Central America.The highest point in El Salvador is Cerro El Pital (2,730 m).El Salvador is known as the "land of volcanoes".Ancient Olmec scupltures have been f...
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