music. joey warmachine. editing. photobooth pictures. bored walkin' on the boardwalk. new jersey shore. the children.
jimmy eat world. alkaline trio. death threat. pretty girls make graves. the bronx. queen. jets to brazil. jawkbreaker. fifty cent. the clash. cock sparrer. lifetime. modest mouse. belle and sebastian. j. cash. the promise ring. ben folds. strike anywhere. the anniversary. farside. knapsack. bane. weezer. hotwater music. the killers. one man army. shelter. good clean fun. social d. kelly clarkson. too hip to list the rest.
a bronx tale, pirates of the caribbean, amelie, the shawshank redemption, fried green tomatoes, ROCKY, bridget jones, empire records, cinderella man
law and order: svu. desperate housewives. 24. family guy. lost.
bridget jones diary
tony micelli