LAYOUT BY: The East Coast I would LOVE to travel the world. I would say that I am somehow LUCKY although at times I feel life is cursing me. I always believe that it's better to be OPTIMISTIC than to be pessimistic. I always try my best to keep a SMILE on face because I don't like to bring others down. I like people and wish to be more of a social person. I try my best to look at a person good qualities. I know Life is unfair sometimes. It would be wonderful if everyone got what they want in life, anyhow that would just be boring and dreary. I do believe we have the ability to control our own destiny most of the time. I am learning everyday and appreciate those who help me in doing that. I enjoy improving myself to be a charming, loving person. Right now I am in a extremely confusing time in my life. I am being strong and ambitious. All I know is everything will eventually fall perfectly in place and be beautifully amazing.