mah sis andrea. me and andrea go baqq 4rm 7th grade. me and her is madddd o-d close. i kno i can truss her widd anythin and she can trust me with anything. were reele best friends but we r so clse dat we can call each otha brotha and sister. iif nething was 2 happen 2 dis girl..i wuld go crzy. iif u fuck widd her, den da squad is deff cumin afta u. i have nuthin but luv 4 herdis 1 ma numba 1 cuzin $$kihizzle$$ rite we been thru good timez n bad timez got mad luv 4 dis kid! U mess witr him u mess wit me iightdis my brother rite hare we bin thru alot in life but wee bouth stll standing strong!this nigga rite hare is mad funny we bin thru alot we even got in 2 some fights but u fuck with him and u fuck with me and a couple goonies
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