I have been a punk for a while. I FINALLY GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL!!! one of the most important things about me i guess is that im an extremely jealous person. i hide my feelings so much. i may act some way, but i know that i really dont want to act that way. i used to let people walk on me, but i grew strong and proud. i enjoy controlling who i am and knowing that i am being true to myself. i like when people are true to themselves. I wish people could understand how each other felt, and all that. i think the world is in a damn hurry and needs to slow its ass down. i hope that when i die, i die knowing that i had the most fun i could, and the best time i could while i was alive, which has influenced my life in a way that im not even sure i understand. i love to take risks and feeling that give me the rush that some do not know. i live MY life, not anyone elses and that is a large part of me. My friends keep me going, without them, i dont know who i would be, or where i would be right now. i was born in Saugus, living part-time with my dad in Woodlin hills. i then moved to my home in Acton, living part-time with my dad in Santa Monica about 100 yards from the ocean. now i live part-time with him in Canyon Country. if you mess with me or my friends, i will find a way to personally make you regret it. my friends know who they are, and if you have to question if you are my friend, then your not my friend. i treat my friends with the ultimate respect and trustworthyness. i think people should have the right to bear arms. if everyone had a gun, then everyone would be to scared, and dumb, to use it. i believe strongly in the right to free speech, and that opinions and ideas are the strongests parts of people because they can make anything possible. i think the world is so messed up today, and the the world is money crazy. people are so stupid because they are blind to the real truth. people in the media are always bitching about the economy being so messed up, and then the same people start filing law suits over it. because of the same people who were bitching about the screwed up economy sued someone about it, they destroyed our economy themselves. the alredy poor government has to spend money to keep the courts open, then pay the staff, and the highly paid judges, the economy is now even more worse-off than it was before. my imagination has inspired me to shoot for anything. i recently got accepted to the LeCordon Bleu School of Culinary Arts in Pasadena (cooking skool), and i hope to become the worlds best, highest paid chef ever!!!
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