hello world! i would like to introduce myself. my name is VARISMAL PIENISh III. but my friends call me ANT. I AM a HALf MEXICAN and HALF BROWN and HALF COCKasian. I am ROUGHLY arouND 6 Ft. when i ROUND UP! AND i WeiGH about 210. YAh i know YOU mihgt think thats ALOt but iTS all MUSCLE and MALE PARTS! yaDIG. BUT ENOUGH aBOUt PHysical APPERANCE IM going to TELL You aBOUt mY LIfe. I COME From A ROUgh NEcK of the WOODs That I woulD like to CALl DUNN BLOCK. OR D BLOCk. BUt YAH MY shIT so Rough thAT ALL PEOPLE ON thiS bloCK have TO be INdoORs befoRE 8. 8 IN the morning THat IS. CAUse we PARty ALL nIGHt! YADDA! bUT yah. MY neighbors GOt an aTTack DOg THat PRoTects my BLOCk. we CALl him SHARKIE. HES a MInATURE CHihuaha. NIgga IS hard as FUCK. But yah I am CURRENTLY attendING STD(SANTA TERESA DIGHSCHOOL. WHEre I AM stuDYING FEMALOLOGY 101! hahah! BUT anyways. OH.... yah... i have also had a life changing expierence! wehn bacchie entered my life! i started getting fucked by bacchie in so many ways! but enough about that.... I would teLL You MORE about mY selF but i HAD a burrito for LUNCh THAT is ABOUt to COMe out THE same shaPE IT wENT in! so I HAVE TO RUNN! LATERRRR DOODES AND DOODETTEs!
Its me!
I think outside the box!
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