SOCCER! SOCCER! SOCCER!SOCCER!!!! movies, SOCCER! TV, SOCCER! movies, collecting magazines, writing short stories, SOCCER!!!!
Anyone actually. Normal, fun people.
Anything but ROCK, as in intense rock....too loud!
Xmen, Now and then, GOne in 60 seconds, Mighty Ducks, Shrek, Underworld, save the last dance, GOAL, Bend it Like Beckham, Pirates of the Carribean or anything with johnny Depp, she's the man, Catch me if you can, blast from the past,
The OC, One Tree Hill, Joan of Arcadia, PRoject Runway, American IDol, Buffy, CSI, America's next top Model,
HARRY POTTER, Stargirl, GossipGirl, LOTR, tuesdays with Morrie, A walk to Remember, Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants, a list, Chinese Cinderella, The five people you meet in heaven, Teen IDol, Les Miserables, The Nanny Diaries
GOD, David Beckham, Sarah Michelle Gellar..... Johnny Depp, my dad