Being myself....being stupid with my bestest friend in the whole wide world.....lovely *Paige*....cheerleading, flirting, dancing, singing, calling the radio and pissin the guy off ...haha
Someone i have already met ............................................................ ............................................................ ...............................two words......________________________
All sorts all depends on my mood.....i like my brothers bands music....PAX IM PERIA....they are great!!......and country sometimes and just anything and everything!!!!
I know this will sound a little wierd .....but one of my favortie movies of all time is Mary Poppins....i jus love julie andrews ....shes a great actress
*American Idol* raiders...real world....H.O.U.S.E...(desperate houswifes)...and *Greys Anatomy*
Books i hate them all......i do not like to read at all...
*my BEST friends James and PAige.....and my Mom and Dad*