What to say...well for starters,my name is Crystal,my birthday is May 14,I'm a Taurus (as you see from my Tauran doll..... )...
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I'm 26,a navy wife(& yes it is the toughest job emotionally,like my patch says)I lived in Va Beach for most of my life but now I live Norfolk.I've got family here,mostly. My mom is a major Queen fan as well (she's the one who got me started).My grandfather died May 29th,2005 of pancreatic cancer,we all love & miss him very much.My other family(or my hubby's family),lives in Wichita,Kansas.My nephew,Eric,is the cutest little guy,although sometimes he can be a handful.Everytime he talks to us he says he wants to go to the zoo because of the past times we've taken him to the zoo.My brothers Thomas(or txttom)& Matthew(or money matt)are up here,& my husband,Zac is too although doesn't really go on,I check his page for him.Okay,now to the basics,I'm about 5'7".I'm a cheesecakeaholic & loooooove cheesecake it's so freakin' good,well that pretty much covers my favorite food kinda(well dessert @ least...lol).My favorite color is purple,I love cats & depending on the breeds some dogs but I prefer cats over dogs(I'm more of a cat person than a dog person).I love Halloween(I like dressing up & the candy screw the meaning) & Christmas (yes,I admit part of it is the gifts but I do enjoy the reason for the season LOL).I've been in love like I said I'm married.I've been rejected too kinda.I've skipped school once but only on senior skip day.I've been camping(the first time sucked cuz we were sleeping on the hard ground & the next day my back hurt so bad & I was freezing my ass off,but the second time,it wasn't that bad we had hay under our tent & it was a bit warmer this time).When I was 17 I went to a modeling class,I like singing,when my best friend Emily is around me,we're just the goofiest people you'll ever met.I believe thing happening for a reason & that's all I can think of right @ the moment.Gosh that's a lot of stuff but now you know a bit about me. Oh & did I mention that I am a major Queen fan or does it show? lol