bbqchickenrobot profile picture


I can go anywhere.

About Me

My Chi is centered. The best way to kill a to make him(convince him) to do it himself. Gettin ganked by the T is a lesson, so, are there any more questions?

oh ya... heh, and this is how I gets bizzaaay ...

I'm bad for your health.

My Interests

Listening to music, playing Guitar/Bass, Football (american), programming, snowboarding, jacks and cokes, medical marijuana and hamburger helper.And sperry -

That's how I roll...

I'd like to meet:

Fred Derst so I could woop that foo's @ss... where's my sucka repellent?


All kinds - from classical to primus to R&B and Hip Hop. That excludes 99.9% of country music. Here's a few of the favs:

WuTangClan ain't nuthin to Fuck Wit!!, NWA, Ghetto Boys, Jimi Hendrix , Primus, Pink Martini ,Prince, Wax Poetic, Radio Head, Led Zeppelin, Louis Armstrong, Mozart, Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald, Jannis Jopilin, Billy Holiday, Tribe Called Quest, Thelonius Monk, Rick James (Bitch), Bootsie Collins, Color me Badd (ha ahahhah ), some eighties stuff..., Tom Tom Club, Grand Masta Flash, Pacific Gas and Electric, Lauren Hill, The Shins, System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine (formerly), Stone Temple Pilots, Smokin Suckaz w/ Logic (nobody knows them), Janes Addiction, Stevie Wonder, Robert Johnson, Howlin Wolf, Buddy Guy, John Lee Hooker, Eric Clapton, Earth Wind and Fire, The Gap Band... I think that's enough for now... you get the picture...

Jimi is my all time favorite being that he is the reason I play guitar. Used to be all rap, then I heard May This Be Love (Waterfall) and it instantly captured my mind and heart... so I went out and bought a guitar and taught myself how to play! Thanx jimi!


Garden State, Forest Gump, Usual Suspects, Lord of the Rings (sorry, i'm a nerd), Swingers, Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs and lots of indy films that I can't remember. Oh and the Princess Diairies.... such a great movie!!! -- that is a joke. I haven't even ever seen that girly man movie! I'm a manly guy. The kind that built the Eiffel tower out of steel and brawn. Besides, I eat red meat. And I don't cry. I work out.


Mainly discovery channel (I like to watch animals do it) or the science channel... stuff like forensic files or any nature show(s). Other than that - don't really watch much excluding South Park and Family Guy... recently got hooked on the Colbert Report... man, that guy is hilarious!!!

Basically anything that I can learn from or laugh from... I feel both are two very important things in life!


The Iliad
Great Gatsby
Scarlet Letter
Where the Red Fern Grows
One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish
Quantum Mechanics
Quantum Questions
The Game (hilarious book)
A Very Public Offering (great read)
Turtle Traders
Technical Analysis (2 or 3)
Market Pyschology


Dolemite, Dave Chappelle, Red Foxx and/or Fred Sanford (thx Celly ;p ), Ray Charles, Jimi Hendrix, JFK, RFK, Hugh Heffner, Stephen Colbert, Warren Buffet, Bog Sagat and Cadillac Williams. Oh and Bill Clinton... that big ol piamp.

::Runner up Hero's::
Jesus Christ
Mohammed (Islam)
Joseph Smith
Charles Manson
Mao Tse Tsung
Bruce Lee
Bruce Leroy
Bruce Li
Cartman (South Park)
Any Greek Mythology God (they are all so cool)

You are friends with bbqchickenrobot because:
I have an affinity for hot black men
He's a pimp
I heard he has a big _____
Cause I like assholes
Due to affirmative action
Cuz he's a rockstar in the sack
He's a bitch and I like to make fun of him
He's not my friend and I hate him

View Results

My Blog


The power to beThe power to seeThe power to hurtThe power to changeThe power to healThe power too realThe power stillThe power to killThe power to liveThe power to giveThe power to love The power abov...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 03:29:00 PST

Poodwaddle - cool little thing...

Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 02:18:00 PST

Update on the Gold Diggers post....

By Michelle Nichols Wed Oct 10, 8:21 AM ET NEW YORK (Reuters) - Deal or no deal? A woman's online bid to find a rich husband in New York earning more than $500,000 a year has caused an Internet stir w...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 10:52:00 PST

Liberals, Leftism and Anti-America

Pretty crazy when you compare the list to liberal sentiment today.   1963 Communist GoalsThe following was entered into the Congressional record by Albert Herlong, Jr. (a Floridian who served in...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 10:46:00 PST

Gold diggers and the men who "Date" them....

A little insight into Gold Diggers and how men perceive them...  THIS APPEARED ON CRAIG'S LISTWhat am I doing wrong?Okay, I'm tired of beating around the bush. I'm a beautiful(spectacularly...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 04:03:00 PST

The First MySpace Ever iwQ Great story...   I also have the book. Very interesting indeed for all you teks out there........
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Tue, 11 Sep 2007 05:38:00 PST

Stupid Laws (By State)

This list is NOT comprehensive by any means, but does have some funny ones none the less... i like the first rule of California.   AlabamaIt is illegal for a driver to be blindfolded while opera...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:17:00 PST

If Finance Is Your Fancy....

In October of 2003, Warren Buffett, the most famous investor in America, announced that he had bought a basket of foreign currencies to profit from a coming decline in the dollar. Although he didn't d...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Wed, 29 Aug 2007 12:30:00 PST

Forgotten Stars...

I think ESPN and ESPN Classic should offer a series about the forgotten players of the MLB's quasi but not really minor league. This oft forgetten and unspoken league is known to relatively ...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 10:16:00 PST


"* Orson Welles' Mercury Theater radio broadcast on October 31, 1938, entitled "The War of the Worlds" has been called the "single greatest media hoax of all time", although it was not â¬" Welles said...
Posted by bbqchickenrobot on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 05:58:00 PST