chuck profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

This is my real site. I had a fake one before so if you see it, it isn't my real one. No one really reads these things anyway, but I do. I had to get rid of it because of so many people "whoring" me. If you don't know what that is, you will. It was uncontrollable. I would be deleting friends all day long. So if you are a real person, and you want to drop me a note, please do. I will only add you if you are a real person. Some of the folowing repeats this, but I am adding instead of rewriting. Thanks.Are there any real people on MYSPACE? I will be happy to add you, but drop me a note once in a while. Is there a race to see who has the most friends or something? I am a normal guy who got intriqued with the whole myspace thing. If you are just looking to put ads on my site for you, you can forget about it. If you want to contact me for real, my yahoo messenger ID is headweasel2001, and I am almost always on line there. I like the friend thing, but I will probably delete you if I get too many bulletins. I just don't get it. Do you get money or something?
Golden Tee Great Shot on Bonnie Moor!

On my way to a -22.

Golden Tee Great Shot on Woodland Farm!
Golden Tee Great Shot on Bonnie Moor!

2nd one in the same night.

Golden Tee Great Shot on Black Hills!
Golden Tee Great Shot on Sunny Wood!
Golden Tee Great Shot on Tahiti Cove!
Golden Tee Great Shot on Tahiti Cove!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Pete Townshend, Pamela Anderson, Brittney Spears, Bob Weir, Spicoli, Steve Dahl, Joe Paterno, Jenna Jamieson, Cameron Diaz, Brett Favre, Brian Urlacher, Paul Konerko, Joe Crede, Jim Thome, Steve Sobe, YOU.

My Blog

Golden Tee Great Shot on Tahiti Cove!
Posted by on Mon, 02 Nov 2009 09:42:00 GMT

Wake Up America

WW III Started in 1979   Read this, then, ask yourself how we can take the position that all we have to do is bring our troops home from Iraq, sit back, reset the snooze alarm, go back ...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 08:22:00 GMT

John Glenn

You've got to admire John Glenn.....Still proud to be ex-military! WHAT SENATOR JOHN GLENN SAID:    There were 39 combat related killings in Iraq in January.  In the fair city...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:06:00 GMT

how American are you?

You Are 89% American merican4.jpg" height="100" width="100">You're as American as red meat and shooting ranges.Tough and independent, you think big.Y...
Posted by on Wed, 17 May 2006 09:20:00 GMT

The Beautiful Women of MY myspace

The Beautiful Women of MY myspace i just wrote a blog for about a half hour, and when i went to review it, i saw a mispelled word and treid to correct it.  then my page went blank.  it ...
Posted by on Wed, 10 May 2006 12:43:00 GMT

Forced out

I got so sick of my old page that I had to start another one.  I was getting over 1000 bulletins a day, and getting "whored" like crazy.  This site is pretty cool, but you add the wrong peop...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:38:00 GMT

What the heck is going on on Myspace

  What is the facination with getting so many friends?  I feel like some poster boy or something.  I like adding people who I think are interesting, but I don't get the whole whor...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Feb 2006 14:33:00 GMT