I moved from sunny Florida to New England for school in late 2004 and just graduated! Say CONGRATULATIONS already! Through this time I have managed to maintain a glowing white tan, but from time to time find it difficult to say my R's. School has taught me many things like I look cute in a chef's coat but my hair is too long for the hat; always use the buddy system if for nothing other than entertainment; I can do anything if I try real hard; and sleep is actually a necessary step in the learning process. All of this is truly essential, I'm positive it will come in handy when I grow up. :)
I'm off to Tennessee now for grad school. Lord help me I'm going have the most confused accent ever.
We have but one planet! Reduce your foot print NOW and save it for future generations to enjoy as well.
Never back down, never give up.
Smile... just keep smiling. Never let them see you cry, they may think they've won!
Life is what you make it. It is only so long, so enjoy each day as it comes.