fashion. vogue-ing.KostazVarraz. jetset.torturing taka and his soul. sir augustus. family. independent works &foreign films. avant- garde/ experimental films. skinny pants&eating disorders. detoxing= water fasting. boys that look like girls&girls that look like boys. gothic architecture. awesome hair. vanity. medical oddities. dressing up like a tranny/prostitute. gang members and grandmas (cus they have the best style) chandeliers. organ concertos. torture instruments. cinema & the best of film noir. fotography & darkrooms. L.A &jetsetting. keytars& oldskool boomboxeseses. cultureclash. aqaunet hairspray and lipgloss. being the lonliest girl in the world. deadstock sunglasses. books on the devil. vespas.writing obscenities with red lipstick. subcultures &underground cults. traveln the world&seeing it all. abusing men. scandal & passion. glamrock. clubkids and starry eyed fashionistas. gloomy days. scratchnsniff stickers. ice cream trucks. anything 80s. chivalry&romance. rockn'roll. unicorns & rainbows. kickin it at the discotheque and hanging out at the cinematheque, heroin chic skinnies. pirates. sparkles and glitter.
WORLD DOMINATIONi don't add strangers. sometimes, i don't even add people i know. i know, it's crazy. MY BAND...
Buffalo66,Clockwork Orange, Pi;Faith in Chaos, Suicide Club, Scotch&Milk, Bitter Moon,Requiem for a Dream, Novecento,The Dreamers,Lolita,Fallen Angels, Last Tango in Paris, La Haine, Cinema Paridiso, L'Age d'Or, Cruel Passion, Barberella,Kamikaze Girls, The Virgin Suicides, Brown Bunny, Vanilla Sky, Amadeus, The Diary of Ann Frank Part II by Harmony Korine,My Life As A Dog, Death by Design, Alice, Marquis, Born in Flames, Somewhere in the City, Edward Scissor Hands, I Stand Alone, Fireworks, Puce Moment, Rabbit's Moon, Eaux d' Artifice, Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome, Scorpio Rising, Kustom Kar Kommandos, Invocation of my Demon Brother, Ichi the Killer, Blow, The Scarlet Letter, Dummy, Battle Royale,Belle de Jour, Waking Life, Trainspotting, LockStock&2SmokingBarrels, TaxiDriver,True Romance,KIDS, KenPark, Julien Donkey Boy,What's Eating Gilbert Grape,Sid&Nanacy, Party Monster, Bully, Ghost, Memento, Irreversible, Eraserhead, MondoTrasho, Blue Velvet, Un Chien Andalou, Le Boucher, City of God, Gummo, Ghost World, Cartoon Noir, Lolita, 25th Hour, Sex and Lucia, Y Tu Mama Tambien, The Children of Paradise,The Conformist, NakedLunch,M, Run Lola Run, Coffee and Cigarettes, Fallen Angels, Pulp Fiction, The Heart is Decietful Above All Things, Closer, Audition, 9 Songs, A Nous la Liberte,The Bicycle Theif, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie,LaStrada, La Dolce Vita, 8 1/2,any and all Fellini films
BUKOWSKI.a crackup at the race riots, NAKED LUNCH, Ishmael, Lolita, last exit to brooklyn, the room, pass the bitch chicken, tulsa, teenage lust,philosophy in the bedroom (1795), aline and valcour,the birth of tragedy, the genealogy of morals,song of silent snow, the demon, sex drugs and cocoapuffs, hollywood babylon, popism, white oleander, devil's playground, the divine comedy, citizen toxie, headless, speed, kentucky ham, choke, coin locker babies, word virus, on the road-Jack Kerouac, harmony korine; collected screenplays, electric jesus corpse, satan burger, religion and science, razor wire pubic hair, the andy warhol diaries,daybreak, the gay science, the book of lies, hot water music, factotum, ham on rye, women, tales of ordinary madness, 120 days of sodom,book of law, equinox, 777