I am a husband, a man, a friend, and insecure. I am not as good as I wish I could be. I realize that so much of who I am is a result of what others have wanted me to be, or what I have thought others wanted me to be. I am a compilation of my friends, family and relationships. I am trying to live life as best I can. I am a Christian, not because I love church or religion but because I love Jesus. He was a man, and the only man I've ever heard of who lived a life that was completely others-centered. Epitomizing selflessness, he lived for others, not for himself; this is a powerful idea in a modern world that runs on consumerism and self-help books. Maybe if there were more people putting other's needs before their own, we would live in a better place. I like to travel and help people. I don't really have money; I work as a volunteer and have for the last 2 years. I didn't finish college. A lot of people call me crazy. They are the same people that my whole life I have worked to impress. I care a lot about what others think, it makes me feel happy when people think I'm funny or cool. My company so often dictates my actions. I am starting to realize that I was living a facade. Truth be told, it doesn't really matter what you think of me, though my insecurities scream otherwise. But though it doesn't matter what you think, I still appreciate you. In fact, I want to try to love you, maybe I haven’t done a good job in the past, I'm sorry for that. I'm not perfect, and that is why I am so perplexed by the idea of Grace. I hope you can find it someday.
Your Political Profile:
Overall: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Social Issues: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
Personal Responsibility: 50% Conservative, 50% Liberal
Fiscal Issues: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Ethics: 25% Conservative, 75% Liberal
Defense and Crime: 75% Conservative, 25% Liberal
How Liberal Or Conservative Are You?