My Interests are : Swimming, Darts, Bowling, Shooting Pool, Frisbee, roller coasters, computers, nascar, Dale Jr., football, REDSKINS, shooting hoops, movies & music, card games.
full name John Franklin Wright Jr.
birthdate 2/19/78
birthplace Martinsville, VA
current location Ridgeway, VA
eye color brown
hair color dark brown
height 6-5
right handed or left handed right
heritage english
shoes you wore today New Balance
beach or pool beach
perfect pizza Little Ceasars--cheese&pepporoni
goals you would like to accomplish lose my beer gut
your best feature i dunno
what time do you go to bed whenever i get tired
who's better, mom or dad MOM
pepsi or coke Dr. Pepper
white bread or wheat bread white
single or group dates single
lipton, nestea or luzianne nestea
chocolate, vanilla or strawberry chocolate
cappachino or coffee coffee
do you smoke yes
do you drink yes
do you do drugs yes-for my back
do you swear yes
do you sing if thats what you call it, lol
have you ever been in love yes
do you want to get married yes
do you want kids yes
do you believe in god yes
do you get along with your parents my mom, yes
do you like thunderstorms yes
do you play an instrument nope
have you gone on a date in the past month nope
have you been to the mall in the past month yes
have you ever been drunk yes
have you ever been high yes
have you ever shoplifted yes when i was like 7, lol, mom made me take it back
if so, what a pack of markers, lol
how do you want to die in my sleep
what is your major, if you are or were in college Industrial Welding
where would you most like to visit Hawaii
what is your favorite fruit strawberry's
favorite thing to do on sunday watch nfl and nascar
favorite sport football
who are your heros My Mom & the US troops
do you have a nickname Frank
what are you wearing right now My Uniform
i wish i had... enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life and not have to worry about anything
have you ever had a crush on a teacher yes
do you have any regrets yes
what type of drugs have you taken vicodins, percs, darvosets
number of piercings 0
where at
number of tattoos 0
of what
what do you want to be when you grow up A forensic scientist
mcdonalds, wendys, or burger king wendy's
hamburgers or hot dogs hot dogs
mayonaise or mustard mayo on burgs, mustard on dogs
fries or baked potato baked tater
republican, democrat or independent democrat
if you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be Stacey Keibler (WWE Superstar)
I'd like to meet people that are fun to be around and like to have a good time. Be into sports and be somewhat competitve and like to do things besides sitting on the couch all day. I would also like to meet some ladies on here, preferrably single. I would also like to meet other Redskin fans so we could hang out at bars and drink and have a good time watching the games.
Your Seduction Style: Fantasy Lover
You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!
Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.
You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you.
You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable
Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life
By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.
Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives.
Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours.
No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover.
What Kind of Seducer Are You?
I listen to all types of music. I don't like listening to one type of music all the time. To me that would be boring. But everyone has their preferences. I won a 10 gigabyte ipod through winston cigerettes. How kick ass is that. But just to let you know some of the artist i have on my ipod: AC/DC, CDB, Garth Brooks, Clipse, The Drifters, Brooks and Dunn, Eminem, WWF theme songs, Jeff Foxworthy, Billy Idol, Fat Joe, Korn, Neal Mccoy, Tim Mcgraw, Nelly, Nickelback, Offspring, Wille & Waylon, Linkin Park, Poison, Prodigy, Kid Rock, GNR, Britney Spears, Shania Twain, Ying Yang Twins, Usher, Gospel Albums, White Zombie, Queen, 50 Cent, Metallica, Toby Keith, Kenny Chesney, Sytem of a Down. I also like 3 doors down, Hank Jr.
I love to watch movies, especially superhero movies. Maybe i wanna be a superhero. Lol. Smokey and The Bandit, Duece Bigalow, Men Of Honor, Hulk, MI-2, The Matrix trilogy awesome trilogy, American Pie movies, Alien Vs. Predator, LotR Trilogy best Trilogy of all time, Old School(I'm Frank the Tank, lol), Spiderman 1 & 2 cant wait till the 3rd one comes out, Terminator trilogy another awesome trilogy cant wait till the 4th comes out and i hope it has arnie you cant have a terminator movie without him, StarWars Set probably the best movies ever.
TV shows i like to watch are: CSI the original, Monday Night Raw, Friday Night Smackdown, The 4400, Law and Order SVU, Everybody Loves Raymond, The King Of Queens.
The number one book is the Bible which i should do some more reading, then my second fav is the Lord of the Rings. I alo like John Grisham Book and Stephen King books.
My number 1 hero is my mom! My mom is best person i know. She did the best she could raising me and my brother on her own when my dad wouldnt even pay child support and constantly threatened to hurt my mom. She stood proud and raised us with the best of her capabilities. I love her very much and i thank her for every thing she has ever done for me. My other heroes are the men and women who fight for our country everyday and give their lives for this country even though sometimes the reason for which we are fighting i dont agree with but they have to do what they commander in chief says.