Mayhem Custom Painting and Design profile picture

Mayhem Custom Painting and Design

Its not a tragedy to die doing something you love

About Me

I always seem to live life in the fast lane and most ofthe time it seems to work for me, minus a few broken bonesand scratches along the way. I never can be doing nothing,so to keep it interesting I switch it up with riding4wheelers, stunt bikes, creative paintings, and gettingretarded with my friends, pretty much anything that harmfulor hazardous to myself seems to work for me.I work for myself with a little business call MayhemCustom Painting. I airbrush and do trick paint work andbeef up that factory paint jobs for 5 the Harley dealersfull time. I also Custom paint Cars, trucks, semi's,buisness signs,boats , motorcycles,mail boxes pretty much anyfreakin thing you can even think of including chics with large tits. Ialso have a full out Body shop to take care of anycollision needs or fender benders you may have. You can seesome of my work in the pics along with other talentedartist. I specialize in creating One Of A Kind Paint work,my favorite words out a customers mouth is "Do What YouWant" cause those are the ones that leave the mostimpressed. Its always interesting and never has beenclassified as work to me. Please feel free to contact meabout any paint work or graphic work you may need for yourride or buisness at 352-840-9611 mon-fri or 352 817 4675 cell anytime

My Interests

Sexy smiles,dark long hair, and a ass that can break carrots??? don't ask i'm drunk right now (NEW!!! Now taking Interests in Blondes!!!), lower back dimples are sexy as hell. I am a hopless romantic and damn proud of it. Any chic that can fit into this minor description only need to apply.

I'd like to meet:

1. I would love to meet a fukin chic that does NOT have mental issues, hatred, herpes, ect. pretty much anything thats classifies as a nut job or that can make a male organ fall off NEEDS TO STAY AWAY!2. Chris Cruz one of the top 3 airbrush artists on the planet. A true inspiration to make me push the limits on the imagination. Also any artist who truely loves and appreciates any and all types and art.3. Real everyday people that are true to themselves and others. Someone that can kick back and take life in and enjoy, no matter how much or what it will bring. Any day can be your last so embrace those around you.

Real everyday people that are true to themselves and others. Someone that can kick back and take life in and enjoy, no matter how much or what it will bring. Any day can be your last so embrace those around you.


What ever sounds good but mainly rock and what ever makes sence at the time in my life. Also love any song that talks about messed up relationships, they really speak the truth about todays shitty relationship and how we understand the problems but never care to fix it. We can send humans to outerspace but we cant still figure out Gods first gift to man. That dude should have written a owners manual on that technical contraption


All comedy,war and anything that has to do with racing or things getting broken


TV Sucks


Donald Trumps "The Way To The Top" quotes and guidance many fortune 500 CEO's live by. Anyone who want to successful should own it. Also Playboy (I actually read the articals,jokes and keep up with all the new cool stuff constantly coming out!)Curves for men mag HAVE TO GET THAT FOR REAL!!!! Seriously.....


My Mom,Dad,brother and grandparent they could not have done a better job raising me and teaching me the real rewards in life,like life itself. We as a family have been thru the good times and bad and I would not change one experience. Also... i thought my dogs had supernatural puppy powers...but it turned out i was justed really wasted off Southern Comfort and the LASER BEAMS coming from there body was really pee...