Sweet ol’ Las Cruces |
You secretly judge people by whether they went to Cruces or Mayfield, and are secretly disapointed if they went to Onate or Mesilla Valley.
You're still confused as to just what the fuck "Alma d'Arte"... Posted by K-LA on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 02:30:00 PST |
Who parties on a monday? I do! |
So it's my day off and I get this call from Audra..."Okay so I'm having a party tonight and you have to have piercings, tatoos, wear black, or a studded belt, thanks!"So...I wear a black shirt! LOL! S... Posted by K-LA on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 02:57:00 PST |
Saturday night, to the club! |
As most of you know Sara Cobble (best friend of 8 years) is in town and she's never been to Studio 69. So, do I take her? OF COURSE I DO!So Sara, Candi, Sergio, and I go to El Paso for yet another cra... Posted by K-LA on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 02:38:00 PST |
FADED Part I |
So it is FRIDAY night and I need to be drunk. Why? Because I do. So Ashley and lil Nikki pick me up and we're waiting for the parties to start and we go to sonic. I get a grape slush (which comes in V... Posted by K-LA on Sun, 11 Jun 2006 01:09:00 PST |
Drag queens, gang fights, maintenance closets |
Studio 69...So Ashley, Candi, Marco, Oxnard, and I decide that we're going to Studio 69 on a lovley saturday night. We all pile in my little trunk and everyone's knees are touching their ears! After 6... Posted by K-LA on Mon, 29 May 2006 10:00:00 PST |
Birthday Weekend Part II |
Happy Birthday to me...So Candi and I decided (a while ago) that we were going to Studio 69 to celebrate my birthday. So before we left, I stopped by Zach's party to hang out. I had a margarita so tha... Posted by K-LA on Mon, 15 May 2006 12:58:00 PST |
Birthday Weekend Part I |
Happy Birthday to me...So I decided to have a party on friday. It pretty much took me all week to get things ready. We had:100 jello shotsCooler of jungle juiceCooler of "College Fuck"4 30-packs of XX... Posted by K-LA on Mon, 15 May 2006 12:45:00 PST |
Welcome to my life |
So I've been partying everyday since WEDNESDAY and today is SATURDAY...yeah, pretty insane if you ask me. All of a sudden my social life has taken off and I have no idea what's going on..hm, must... Posted by K-LA on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 10:04:00 PST |
And then we went to a club. |
So Friday I went to that kick-ass party and then Saturday Candi (yes from Hot 103) and I went to Studio 69. No it's not a code word for any sexual activity, it's an actual club in El Paso. I got out o... Posted by K-LA on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 02:44:00 PST |
A party fit for a Queen. |
First off, let me just say:Queens throw the best parties.
So Chuy (my god-brother) threw his b-day party at his apartment on Friday. I got off of work kind of late and I had 6, yes count them, 6 new ... Posted by K-LA on Sun, 12 Mar 2006 01:52:00 PST |