no cliques, no elitism, no bullying.i am just a man, i am just a person, i am not perfect. i am like you. you are like him. its a fucking lesson in empathy that we all should have figured out way before guilty just like you and just like fuck this all and start playing the level from the save point even if you only have 1/3rd of your power meter, and KNOW that you will you understand?problems and crisis become opportunities.hell, are you even comfortable in your own?let those without blame cast the stones.we all need to understand one another. it helps to communicate, i agree one hundred percent. But sometimes communication is stopped because someone is burned. trust is damaged.time will show you that its still there.learn. progress. together. all of us. now. right fucking now, begin to open.and to all of those who think I’m crazy or a freak, your right i am. I’m fucked in the head a little, and i have too big a heart and too big a mouth and i think i can make a difference. so go ahead and think I’m a fool. Laugh at me and I’ll laugh with you. i don't need naysayers. i don't even need people to believe in mine necessarily (although I’m glad some do. i believe in them too) i will do what i am meant to do.part of that is to heal wounds.this one is gonna heal too.and the more pain we felt, the tougher we matter the source, or if it was misdirected or garbled and out of anger and not thought.FUCK IT, ONWARD!