★hჳayy! hჳayy! hჳayy!★
Wuhs thჳ ∂ჳaℓ{?}
My Namჳ is ツ"♥Stჳphaniჳჳ♥"ツ
i'm 16 yჳars Old,,
i ℓivჳ in Harℓinqჳn,, Wჳℓℓ Thჳ "ჳAST SiDჳ"
i ℓOvჳ tO chiℓℓ/smOkჳ/&/Cruisჳ!!
ima Ba∂∂ Ass Pჳrson tჳw kikk it wit,,
The Onℓy thinq i kant stan∂∂ is ℓiArs/&/ℓჳvas!!
Nჳta,, i aℓso kant stan∂∂ Bytch Ass Trikks whO try && tawk shytt but whჳn it comჳs timჳ tჳw nukkℓჳ up,, Thჳy punkk Out,,
if yჳw a cOol Kat,, && Wanna bჳ Homiჳs Hit mჳ Up;;
if Yჳw juhst a hatჳr.. bakk thჳ PHUUkk up off ma damnn paqჳ.. gჳt a ℓyff..("
★Wanna knOw mOrჳ Hit Mჳ UP!!★