Being active including traveling, playing sports, working out, and drinking!
Of all the people I've ever met, Larry's the one I won't forget. And if I would have died Before he did I'd go to heaven And wait for him I'd give the angels Back their wings And risk the loss Of everything Just to prove My love is true...miss you forever. Please Rest in Peace, baby. wmode="transparent" flashvars="userID=56181722&bgColor=10079487&bgColor2 =10079487&transitionSpeed=4&transitionStyle=b&sh owCaptions=1&albumID=2182207" width="445" height="230" name="slider" align="middle"/>
Clueless, Pretty Woman, The Shawshank Redemption, Gladiator, Forest Gump
Desperate Housewives, Grey's Anatomy, America's Next Top Model, Criminal Minds, Two and Half Men, Lost
My family!!! No one will ever love you, appreciate you, admire you, console you, and teach you like the people who share your blood line.