Photography... Traveling.. Moving with the motion of the ocean. FOLLOWING MY DREAMS.. . MAKING THEM REAL... World Domination.. small things that mean A LOT to me ...
GHOSTBROTHERS.COMTORONTO CMW MAR 2008!!!!There is always a number 1...PRINCE... everything else that beats deep and shakes my soul.RIP James BrownxxxxxxxGHOSTBROTHERS.COMTORONTO CMW MAR 2008!!!!
Anything foreign. Cinematography.
no cable...
.... where to start.. recent fav's.... Eat, Pray, Love, Working Stiff (Grant Stoddard) The Art of War. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The Four Agreements. The Phrophet. Easy Tiger, Raging Bull. Gods and Monsters...
Enlightened Individuals