Writing, going to shows, music, underwater basket weaving, no longer enthralled with that stupid digital camera--it didn't work--I threw it away, pissing people off, reading, taste-testing the wonderfully diverse world of beer, synchronized swimming, demo work, putting random shit in here just because I have nothing better to do...
Sid Vicious, Kevin Smith, Richard O'Brien, Jimmy Buffett, Charles Manson, Salvador Dali, Douglas Adams, Nicholas Sparks, Coach Don James, Deborah Harry, Jello Biafra, Willie Nelson, Cheif Seattle, George Harrison, McDreamy, McSteamy, and McVet, Freida Kahlo, Ghengis Kahn, and the proud makers of: the Wonderbra, Mt. Dew, flip-flops, and of course...beer.
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Anything that doesn't suck, and has a frickin' plot.
Buried at PhotoCasket.com
I could put a lot of stuff in here to make me sound smart...
My late Grandfather...Papa, you rule!