scrapbooking,drag racing (my husband races), I love going to the beach, and getting together with my friends and family.
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I can pretty much listen to anything
What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)
You have turquoise eyes. Turquoise is the color of communication. Your eyes symbolize your intuitive nature. You can be over-analytical sometimes, possibly fussy and egocentric. You have the tendency to push your heart out of the way and let logic make your decisions. You are not shy, but you can be secretive, closed, confused about what you want, and maybe a bit sneaky and paranoid at times. Some words to describe you: cool, refreshing, imaginative, motivated, dynamitic, calm, peaceful, joyful, relaxed, truthful, healing, meditation, tranquility, forgiving, patient, sleepy, and day-dreamer.
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I love all kinds of movies. Too many to say...
dont get to watch much t.v anymore. unless cartoons count.
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My family, everyone in 9/11, and all the men in uniform...