Brutal Princess profile picture

Brutal Princess

About Me

My mother told me as a child that those who wake during the night develope a morbid look. I have been suffering from insomnia for a few weeks now. The photos on this profile is me transformed into my mothers story of a morbid insominac. Some are self portraits, some are taken by my 15 year old son Bragi. Takk Bragi xxx
HOME AGAIN: Yesterday I died a little more than the day before. And all the days before.Im so glad that I had the chance to let go choose death to live again. Im so glad that I had the sense to let go and let God make me hole again.You came with such power. Planted inside me love by words. Suppose to hurt?Yesterday I died a little more .You knew all the answers. You knew all the ways. Got lost. This aint my home.Yesterday I died a little more than the days before.Found a see-through bottle put inside a message; Please wont you say a prayer for a girl. In love.Yesterday I died a little more.Im so glad that I had the chance to let go choose death to live again. Im so glad that I had the sense to let go and let God make me hole again. Im home again.I was borne in the middle of July on a lovely Sunday evening in to a highly dysfunctional family. Being the youngest I take no blame, they where fucked up before my arrival. But anyhow if one is to be completely honest I dont think that I made matters any better, having a vivid imagination and being sure that there where not just six people living in our house...the ghosts had to count as well! Me seeing dead people did not make my mothers beforehand fragile nerves any stronger.................................................... ................................................Anyways as a little girl my all time hero was John Wayne, I was going to be a cowboy when I grew up take myself a handsome hunk of an Indian for a hubby and fight evil and racism while he stayed at home raising our children...little did I know. Later I found out that the occupation of a cowboy was a mans job and staying home with the kids a womans job. When suggested that I become a cowgirl I changed my mind about all the cow business and fighting evil and decided to become a monk. No hunk of an Indian as a hubby for me but still a fairly exiting live, studying and singing Gregorian himns. In my mind I would grow fat and bald and I quite enjoyed the thought. Needless to say I never became a monk, for it my dear is not a womans job. I was told that I could become a nun for that is more up a womans alley, but for my taste nuns were far too black and white plus SKINNY. How ever the closest I came to being John Wayne was being called vein for when at puberty and I started to grow (God was quite cheep in that department) my brothers told me that I was a girl and that girls are vein. So I decided to be Kolbra Vein, the best version of me I could be, ergo Brutal Princess. Brutal Princess is a girl who embraces her feminine and masculine qualities and aws at all steriotyping. Stereotyping is one of the worst human terrorism against themselfs ever!!! It still amazes me when people tell me they think Im feminine for in my mind as well as my heart Im still a cowboy or a fat bald monk

I made my myspace layout using

I like drinking from the bottle/can . It´s just better.

My Interests


Member Since: 15/02/2006
Band Website: in prosess
Band Members: Brutal " ten fingers, ten toes, two eyes, a nose, a mouth, a tongue who loves the touch of a tongue, skin and lips, a heart belonging to her and maybe a Brutal Prince, hasn´t seen him, not even in her dreams, hands that loves the feel of things, all sorts of things cement, paint, grass, dirt, water, flesh, guitar strings, her kids; gave birth, breastfed and loves three children, no man needer, shy, independent, sometimes to independent, cancer, not for everybody and everybody is not for her, a friend to her friends, pure, passionate" Princess.
Influences: Influenced by my children, their childhood our life together, our adventures together, the sounds they make, the words they say, the way they see and feel, the way they make me see and feal, the noise they make, in general and in my heart, noise inspires me, in noise something soft comes over me, when Im soft I hear melodies witch I make in to my own on my guitar along with my voice not about my children, because of my chlidren.
Sounds Like: whats inside of me.
Record Label: non

My Blog

Ég elska þig Egill.

Af öllum þeim mönnum sem ég hef elskað og af elskað er aðeins einn sem ég elska.Það er hann Egill Skallagrímsson. Þá meina ég eins og fullorðin manneskja elskar aðra fullorðna manneskju. Í þessu tilfe...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 18:29:00 GMT

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Posted by on Fri, 09 Mar 2007 01:27:00 GMT

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The coming in the eye Act I

Scene I It is tree a clock in the afternoon and Baroness Crack Ho and Brutal Ho Princess are having tea in Brutal Hos library.Act IB.H.P: Have you ever read Gabriel Garcias Marques book Love in the ti...
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The coming in the eye Act III

Act III B.H.P: Best we change the subject and take up some lighter talk. Ever heard of a rimjob also known as the black kiss?B.C.H: Explain please?B.H.P: Supposedly it is somewhat of an anal fellatio....
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The coming in the eye Act II

Act IIB.H.P: I wonder if you could enlighten me my dear I heard the term snowballing the other day. People use it to describe some sort of a sexual act but I cant possibly figure out what that may be?...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jun 2006 17:40:00 GMT