Lan-D_Z profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Ok i needed to update this thing real bad!WE ARE HAVING A Girl!!!! HELL YEA! I really just want it to hurry up and pop out. I also work at Sears now, i am a mechanic and i love it. The sad thing about it is they pay better than the Marines.

My Interests

Well now that im back we bought a house and we are now having a baby to fill the house. Every day is a new day with more problems. Not between me and her but how my job effects us. I dont know if im going to reenlist or if ill ever deploy again. And know that she is always in my thoughts and always and #1 on my list.
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I'd like to meet:

BIKERS! I have formed a Bike Club in Oceanside, CA. We ride for charity and do rides just for fun.We are having our first ride on March 9th. we are meeting at North county house of motorcycles at 8am.


Anything punk and rock. I also listen to gwen now which is weird for me. But we also cant forget country!!!


Anything with action and war stuff. none of that chick flick stuff unless i screw up, then thrown in the dog house and thats the only way!!!


Prison Break!! im fucking addicted!!!
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My DAD and my sister have always been there for me. And now my all time high is megan. I have never seen someone so strong and loving. I cant wait to raise children with HER. WOOFA OOOFA BABY!!!!

Myspace Layouts at / Black Pirate

My Blog

The Best of Friends

I just want to talk about one of you real quick! This person doesnt have the best life in the world but has given me one. If it wasnt for him i wouldnt be here today. He doesnt know but he turned me b...
Posted by Lan-D_Z on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 06:51:00 PST

An answer to my Wife's message

A man once said,"You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes,and her eyes everywhere in the world."- David Levesque When i wake up every morning i see her there by my side. When im sl...
Posted by Lan-D_Z on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 05:26:00 PST