I've been Mormon since the sperm entered the egg cell the spirit child that I was came to be in a moral body.
I know there is a lot of anti-Mormon hype going on in the world and I am here to squash that mentality.
We all know that Joseph Smith was a phophet of God and created the only true church in the entire world.
The Church teaches us great things that only a full tithe-paying member can achieve.
These things include, but are not limited to; morality, family values, happiness, etc.
As you can see, only us TBM's (true believing Mormons) can experience these glorious virtues.
I have disassociated myself with any apostates (people who know of the Mormon gospel, but do not accept it) as I have been instructed.
I pay a full 10% of my income and my total assets, just as Abraham did, and we know how infallable his book is!!!
If anyone has any questions for me, please feel free to send me a message or comment!
May the spirit of Joseph Smith be with you!
Your pal,