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The Black Leviathan's real name is Vigo Congon Midrah. He was born to the first rulers of the first Established Atlantis before it sunk. He was born with white hair a deep blue color of eyes, a light tanned skin from being outside. He and his brother Ryan (pronounced by the Atlantians as Ray-On) were the heirs to the throne. They both looked similar only Ryan had a yellow tinted eyes. Then Ryan and Vigo's younger siblings where born. Kathey and Nihck. Vigo was still the Heir to the throne but Ryan was no longer one but Kathey took his place being the only girl of the family. When Vigo at the time was around 35 and Ryan also 35 but not twins, Kathey was about 4 and Nihck was just 2 years of age. That same year Ryan was exiled from Atlantis for being convicted of Sorcery and stealing souls of human kind. The father placed a curse on him to turn him into a horrid monster like form. A year later Vigo was also exiled out of Atlantis and cursed with the same curse to turn him into a monster. They both ended up with black hair. Ryan’s eyes remained the same yellow color while Vigo's where blackened. They both had pale white skin of a ghost. In the human lands away from Atlantis they were deemed evil and were tortured. He stayed in hiding for a long time before he stayed in what would be Europe for a while. He became a leader of a small city and people thought he was a good person until one spied on him. He was drove out by the town’s people. For a while he lived by himself in rural lands and forests. living among outcasts and other savage like people. he learned to hunt and kill food quickly. People of the Medieval Times Churches spotted him looking though fields of fruits and vegetables and caught him. Imprisoned many times for things he couldn’t help mainly cause of them being physical looks. While in the prisons he was torchered several times by authorities to try and pry information from him. many times he came close to death during the interigations. He escaped many of those prisons as well and ran to the forests for cover again. He was hunted down many times by many churches for being called by the people "demon possessed." After a long struggle to live in Europe when it was more established he became a stowaway on a ship to America. He lived mainly in the stretch from what would be Modern day Maryland to New York. He soon ran into trouble with the pilgrims and puritans with all their superstitions. He was almost killed by them but one person who snuck into where he was and let him go before the morning that the townsship was going to do to him for the punishment. He went into another long hiding in New York. during the hiding there were several major killings that he had did for food in the new york area. the police didnt know who was doing the killings. In New York he lived in the sewer lines and scraping for food in the alleyways and dumps. A little in between years he came to surface and people were horrified at his site being scared off by his looks. He was also during world war 1 and World War 2 experiemtned on by different Scientists and Chemisists. He was part of many DNA engineering that was done secretly from the Government. He went though many insisions, being poked with needles knives, tubes, hooks. In Germany, he was one of the few prisoners that didnt have the number tatooed into his arm. They instead used him in privet labs to do more genetic tests. The public didnt believe his testimonies which landed him in more prisons and hospitals. Most of the time in both prisons he was placed in sueiside watch cause of his frequent mood swings towards authority figurers. the longest time he spent time in a prison also part mental asylum was 80 years. most of the guards and nurses treated him like crap. He was able to adapt to the chemicals over time and be able to naturally develope own deadly toxins and venoms. Different races of Aliens also had tried their own experimnts on him to create clones of their own kind with his abilities. He traveled a lot in the USA learning new stuff about the culture and what they did. While in New York, on a dark night he saw his long lost sister who also survived when Atlantis went down. He didn't immediately go up and greet her. He watched her and went in and out of hiding. He learned in between hiding periods fighting methods used by warriors in the past as well as doing his own stuff. How he got the Scar across his eye was from a fight with his own sister that lasted for a night. From that hit he from then on had partial sight loss in that eye. He also had the s like symbol put into his eye that glimmers in the night light. A few months after the fight, he had the scar tattooed in to the shape of the mark. For the longest time when he was living in New York, he lived with creatures called Dougsphinx as well as taking in homeless needy people. He sheltered them from the people of New York. To the police he was called "the Wednesday Thief" because of taking food by the shipments from stores and random food stores but always on Wednesday. He was eventually caught over time and imprisoned once again. In Atlantis at the same time Kathey became the head leader of the empire of Atlantis and the rest of the colonies. He found Kathey a future husband but it would take some time and planning before he could get him to Atlantis. One night he snuck out of jail one night and went to Atlantis to meet up with his sister with no one around. A few months after that he was eventually welcomed back into Atlantis by his sister and some of the other leaders. Ryan was also let back into the Atlantian Territory as well a little time after Vigo was. Vigo still helps people and guides them. The help criminals to change, they treat the more insane ones. Kathey and him are the head leaders of Atlantis and their husbands and wives are assistant leaders. By the Atlantians and other nations he's called "The Great Black Leviathan" and Kathey is known as by "The Great White Leviathan. The are both know for their powers and wisdom. They both take turns being at Atlantis when the other is busy doing their own things. They both have PHDs in Psychology, he has PHDs also in Science specializing in Chemestry and biology, History, Goverment music, and lastly fine arts such as sculpturing and theator. Hes willing to train and guide people. Over the years hes learned to control his evil and good sides. He tends to stay nutral. super heros see him as a villan most of the time most because of his looks and cunning abilities. At present day he is the head leader of Atlantis along with Kathey, Uriial, and Joker. He is also the main leader of Arkham asylum. Hes been planning on doing renovations to the hospital to bring the security as well the atmosphere up-to-date. Him and J are working to have more interactions between the inmates and volunteers to help out in the asylum. He is also the final authority of the desisions made in Gotham. He also helps out his new allies of Posion Heart and his friends. He regularly checks up on the inmates of Arkham privetly. He also continues to work at Atlantis teaching classes. He is the head judge of Atlantis as well as the full Atlantian Territory. He keeps the files of all the inmates of the three asylums: Arkham, Arkansas State Hospital, and Atlantian Territory Mental Health. Is now a God Father to Posion Ivy's new born baby, Rosie. He fell in love with Dr. Dana scully they both wanted to have a baby. they did but their unborn child was killed by people who didnt want Scully to have a child. He took it up to himself to have her child himself. HE went into another short hiding for his new born baby girl so she could be safe from the people who wanted her not to born. He named her Kristine Sharloha Scully-Midrah. She lives with him in the Atlantian Territory. Kristine visites her mother in the Washington DC area. Kathey helps Vigo take care of her and to guide her for the future. Vigo eventually Married a lady whos a lot like himself named Cairine. She was crowned as the fourth Head Leader of the Allied Territories. They had Twins named Xavier and Justin
shape shifting into perrrty much anything, manipulating things telepathicly primarly electricity and fire. agility and speed. lots ot sword fighting. knowlege of hacking into things.

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The Greenlanders The Gathering Chapter Six Return to Earth

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Posted by on Fri, 19 Dec 2008 02:09:00 GMT

The Greenlanders: The Gathering: Chapter Seven: Katheys Return

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Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 21:26:00 GMT

The Greenlanders: The Gathering: Chapter one: The Big city.

Chapter 1The Big City In the late twenties around 1929, Greenland first started out as a galaxy without life. It was called the "Undiscovered" galaxy because none of human life forms have gone that fa...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 21:18:00 GMT

The Greenlanders: The Gathering: Chapter Five: Home at Last

Chapter 5"Home at last"***At The Greenlanders*** They finally landed on what Vloci (Vloci was the leader of the Greenlanders. He was of the few that still looked human still but still had claws, shar...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 03:02:00 GMT

The Greenlanders: The Gathering: Chapter Four: "Friends?"

Chapter four"Friends?" She spun as fast as she could to transfer electricity to the Golden spheres. She was almost going lighting speed when the first one opened to release the creature inside the sph...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 03:01:00 GMT

The Greenlanders: The Gathering: Chapter Three: New Land

Chapter ThreeNew land***Back at Greenland***They finally find a place to land they started to build things to give them shelter. They start to explore the land the next day to find out what they have ...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 03:00:00 GMT

The Greenlanders: The Gathering: Chapter two: Outer Space

Chapter 2Outer Space***Back at the field*** ***three months later***"Well we finally got the ship together," exclaimed Ben"Ya, is't she a beauty or what!" the two others felt happy about their accomp...
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Holiday Specialtys!!

Christmas! Get Your Own! | More Flash ToysEaster! some eggs for a easter egg hunt on myspace.
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 19:33:00 GMT

The Rebirth of a Leader.

Kathey had stayed with her brother as he lay resting but not quite alive yet. She had walked around the table where he was resting on several times to an almost countless amount of times watching the...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 23:16:00 GMT