My name Joseph E.Miller 3rd, but everybody calls me Tres. I'm straight outta Newport Delaware and love my City/State. I go to DM-gay... I mean DMA for high-school. I'm a wannabe Mixed Martial Artist and I pretty much live at Wilmington Jiu Jitsu. Most the people that know me say I'm kind, funny, and caring. Most the the people that hate me say I'm a complete idoit/looser. At least they don't say it to my face...cause I wouldn't do anything about it anyway( I'm joking, I'd tell there mom that they're being mean to me) One more thing, alot of chicks look at my pictures and think I'm some kind of Gigolo but I'm not. I'm a straight up Gentleman that likes to take hot topless pictures of my 8 pack.Alright peace out stop veiwing my pics over and over again Jackie...and everyone else have a nce day..God Bless
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